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Loki turned away from watching Sirius and Lucy head off, waving Remus off with a smile, replying with, "Don't worry about it. It is Sirius, after all. I'm sure he does it a lot."

Remus hummed, even though he knew he wasn't honest. His eyes flicked to the girl beside him. She was catching snowflakes in her gloved hands.

"Having fun?" He chuckled after watching her for a moment.

"Yep, " Loki admitted without a second thought. Remus's grin stayed as she turned to him. "It must be a good day if it's snowing like this."

"You think snow is lucky?" Remus cocked his head.

"Only on special occasions, " she answered with a smile. Her green eyes turned back to the white flakes. "And I think this qualifies as one."

"Oh?" The boy's eyes widened. He hadn't expected that answer from her. He opened his mouth, a question on the tip of his tongue, but decided against it and closed it again.

"Madame Padifoot's got a full house, " Loki giggled. Her eyes stared straight ahead at the packed establishment. "I feel sorry for her. But I'm glad I don't like it."

"You don't?" Remus frowned.

"Not really, " Loki shrugged. "It reminds me of home: the noise, the people, the smell. And it's always packed with couples. Just looking at it now makes me feel lonely." The girl let out a sigh.

"But you have me," Remus smiled, nudging her with his arm in an attempt to cheer her up. Loki turned to him and smiled softly.

"You know what I mean," she retorted. She looked back and stared at the shop for a moment longer before gazing somewhere else.

"You said it reminds you of your home?" Remus spoke, following after her.

"Yeah, " she nodded. "My dad's away a lot, so I usually spend time with my aunt. She lives next to a shop that's kind of like the muggle version of Madame Padifoot's. My brother and I sometimes used to visit." Her tone turned painful.

"Your brother?" Remus frowned. He couldn't recall anything about Loki having a brother. "What brother?"

"Oh." Loki turned to him, her green eyes wide with realisation. "I forgot you didn't know." Her gaze averted to her shoes as she began fiddling with her hands.

"Does he go here?"

Loki nodded. "Seventh Year. Ravenclaw." She informed him. It was clear to Remus she didn't want to speak any more.

"You know what?" Remus grabbed her hand. Loki looked up with fearful eyes, but he grinned at her. "Let's go raid Honeydukes and then we can get some Butterbeer."

"Oh--okay, " Loki squeaked.

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