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Sirius pressed a kiss to the side of the girl's temple. She sent him a half-smile. Sirius frowned at her reaction, looking to Remus on her other side for an explanation. He sent him a shrug, looking just as confused as he felt. Sirius cocked his head at the girl. She felt his stare and turned to him.

"Yes?" She frowned.

"What's the matter?" Sirius queried.

"I thought I already told you I don't like my birthday?" Loki gazed away for a moment, pondering her previous encounters with the boy. "Right?"

"You did, but I didn't know you'd be in an odd mood all day. Plus, I still think your reason is terrible," Sirius retorted. "But we can get back to that later. Here, I got you a Valentine present." He pulled a long black box tied off with a dark pink bow from his pocket.


"Ah! It's a gift!" He practically shoved the box into the girl's hands. "You've got to accept it. Especially after I almost lost it this morning."

Loki looked guiltily down at the box. She sighed, using one hand to undo the ribbon. It fell away with one tug, and she gently pulled off the lid, placing it on the long table. Her eyes widened as she stared at a golden necklace, the delicate chain holding a small green jewel. She gazed at it for several moments before turning to Sirius, blinking and gaping at him as he watched her with a smirk. She turned back to the piece of jewellery before back to the dark-haired Gryffindor, the same expression her face.

"I-I-I-I can't, Sirius. I-It's too much."

"Nonsense," Sirius waved off her concern. "It was a discarded piece of jewellery my other family members never cared for, anyway. A relative I'm still on good terms with sent it to me. I fixed it up, with some help, of course, and wanted to give it to you, Princess."

"Here," Remus delicately lifted the necklace from the box, placing each side of the chain on either side of her neck. "I've learnt the hard way it's best not to argue with Sirius about these things," he murmured into her ear. He clasped the necklace, letting it fall to its normal position on her. Loki shivered as his fingers ghosted over the back of her neck. "There you go. Perfect."

"Are we interrupting something?" The trio turned to the familiar voice of James, the three of their expressions varying in reaction to Lily clutching the Quidditch Captain's arm.

Sirius's eyes widened, and he blinked at them. He looked as though he was seeing things.

Remus blinked several times, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he looked between James and Lily.

Loki grinned widely at the couple. A feeling of pride and happiness swelled in her chest.

"Oh, come on," James groaned. "Why is it always only Loki who seems to have faith in me?"

"Many reasons," Sirius spoke, snapping out of his confusion. "Lily, how much did he pay you to hang off his arm?" James sent the boy a glare.

"Sirius," Loki gently whacked his arm. She looked back at the couple and grinned."I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks, Loki," Lily smiled, glancing at James, then quickly looking away. "Congratulations to you three, by the way. And happy birthday, Loki. I honestly wish we could stay longer, but-"

"Evans and I are going on a special Valentine's Day date," James boasted, a satisfied grin on his face as he cut the redheaded girl off.

"James, what have I already told you?" Lily rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, Lils," James shot the girl a sheepish grin. Anyway, we've got to go. See you three lovebirds later."

"Bye!" Loki waved.

She watched the couple head out of the Great Hall. Her face fell to a frown as she watched an angry-looking Lydia enter the hall, storm over to her table and immediately begin speaking to her group of friends. A frazzled looking Nicolas joined the room moments later, his eyes staring in the direction James and Lily left. She furrowed her eyebrows. It was Remus's voice that snapped her back to their conversation.

"James just reminded me." Remus set down his fork and knife. Sirius and Loki turned to the boy. "I've got something to show you. Nothing extravagant like Sirius, but I think you'll love it nonetheless."

"You could hand me a slice of bread, and I'd love it," Loki joked. Remus cocked an eyebrow. "You know, because it doesn't matter what you get, it's all about the thought, right?"

Remus opened his mouth. He lifted his hand, then dropped it again and laughed. Sirius slung his arm over the girl's shoulder, pressing a kiss to her temple before letting out a chuckle. She smiled at him before her eyes trailed back to Nicolas.

"I'll be back in a second," Loki spoke absently, pulling Sirius's arm off her and standing up.

The boys watched as Loki hastily walked to the entrance of the Great Hall. It was then they noticed Nicolas hunched over, heading to the Hufflepuff table. Their concern grew when Loki stepped in front of him after a minute of speaking to him and grabbed his face in her hands.

"Nic, cone on, talk to me," Loki pleaded. "Don't make me smush your cheeks together."

"Loki—" Nicolas gently took hold of her hand and pushed them off his face "—don't worry about me. Just go and enjoy your birthday with Remus and Sirius."

"I can't enjoy my birthday when I know you're not happy," Loki pouted. "You're my best friend, and I will not hesitate to sit and mope with you."


"Nic, look," she pulled him closer to the wall, "I know there's something going on with you and James, or maybe you might be confused about what it is you're feeling, or maybe not—I'm not in your head, so I don't know—and I'm pretty sure you just broke up with Lydia, right?"


"I might not know how hard it is for you right now, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to be here for you." Loki stared up at him for a moment longer before wrapping her arms around his waist.

Nicolas paused, staring in shock at her, before wrapping one arm around her waist and placing the other on the back of her head. He gently stroked her hair as he stared down at her. He smiled gratefully.

"This year's been a rollercoaster," Nicolas laughed weakly. "Loki, I'm serious, though. Go spend time with your boys. I can see them from here, watching us like hawks."

Loki lifted her head. She looked over to where she was minutes before and her eyes locked the two Gryffindors. Loki looked back at Niclas and smiled.

"Just give me a shout if you need anything, all right?" He nodded, shoving her away again. "See you!"

"You always do!" He replied with a laugh.

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