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Loki looked over to Nicolas and frowned in confusion. She winced slightly, the bruises on her face aching slightly from the movement.

Having been out of classes for a few days to recuperate from the events, Loki was extremely confused as soon as she stepped into the Great Hall. When she arrived, a usual group appeared to have split.

Her eyes wandered up the Gryffindor table, coming to rest on Remus, James and Peter sitting near their usual places. She noticed the gap and frowned until her gaze found Sirius. The typical grin he had in the morning was replaced with a deep-set frown, and his happy aura she'd grown familiar with seemed to have disappeared.

Instead of going to Sirius or the group, Loki went to the Hufflepuff table. Despite most of her bruises being hidden, she still felt as though the whole hall could see them. She bent her head as she walked, wanting to crawl into a hoke and never return.

"Sirius and the boys had a big fight yesterday apparently," Nicolas replied. He, too, stared intensely at the group.

Loki looked around at the other students. Many of them were looking from Sirius to the trio, pointing and whispering to their friends. This annoyed her. She knew the boys were popular, but she didn't like the gossip about them.

"Do you know what it was about?" Loki queried.

Nicolas shook his head in response. She sighed, resting her head on her hand as she wondered what could have happened between them. She picked up a piece of toast, taking a bite out of it, and frowned.

"Oh," Nicolas spoke up, "Lily said Remus heard about what happened, and that he was freaking out slightly about whether you were okay."

"Oh," Loki looked to where Remus sat. She wished for him to notice her, but at the same time didn't want him to know she was there at all. "Did you say anything back?"

"I just told Lily to tell him you were recovering and you'd be back soon," Nicolas told her.

"Thanks, Nic," she smiled. She winced, however.

"Are you sure you're okay enough to be back?" The boy frowned in worry. He leant forward, his eyes examining the marks on her skin.

"I'll be fine," Loki waved him off. "As long as I don't run into Marcel or his goons."

She hesitated slightly on his name. Her hand she used to rest her head on moved to her throat, gingerly touching the bruised area. Loki let out a soft sigh.

"I should get going to class," Loki murmured, grabbing her belongings. "I have Care for Magical Creatures first." Her eyes drifted to Remus, already anxious about their first encounter in days. "I'll see you at lunch."


Remus was hesitant to sit beside Loki. His hands fiddled with the straps of his bag as he stared in surprise at her. He felt slightly tense being near her. He couldn't help but wonder if it was because of the full moon or not.

𝙥𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙖𝙦𝙪𝙖 ➪ 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗎𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌Where stories live. Discover now