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Loki looked up from the book she had. Her eyebrows furrowed at the sight of James right behind Nicolas. Her gaze turned to her best friend. She adopted a look of annoyance as the grin he was failing to hide.

"I'm sorry about him," Loki looked back up at the Head Boy. "What did he do now?"

"Thought that it was hilarious to steal my robes," James answered. His glare was pointed only at Nicolas.

"I didn't think it, Potter," Nicolas began, turning himself to face the brunette. "I knew it." He smirked.

"Nicolas, stop," Loki sighed. James glanced at the girl, frowning at how tired she appeared. "He does this to every captain. Please don't take it personally."

"I thought Hufflepuffs were kind," James shot another glare at Nicolas.

"Correction," Nicolas began, and Loki shook her head and turned back to her book, "we're loyal. We're trustworthy. And we aren't boastful."

"We're also supposed to have the best sense of right and wrong," Loki told the boys, not looking up once from her book. "And we're also the friendliest, most helpful house. Nicolas, please give James his robes back."

"Loki, I was just having a little fun," Nicolas moaned. When she didn't reply, he sighed in defeat. "Fine. I'll give you your bloody robes back."

James seemed pleased with the result. He gave Nicolas a pat on the head, which caused the boy to sneer, and turned to Loki. "See, this is why I'm glad why Remus and Sirius met you."

The comment completely threw Loki off. She looked up and stared at the boy confused. James just smiled at her, which made her even more suspicious. To her, it felt as if he was trying to say something else, but perhaps she was just being paranoid. James said goodbye to the pair and quickly sauntered off.

"You're a traitor, Loki," Nicolas huffed.

"You stole his robes, Nicolas. I was just doing the right thing," Loki replied. "Oh, come on, when you win against Gryffindor you can shove that victory in their faces." At her comment, Nicolas smirked. "That's how you really piss James off." Nicolas nodded. "We have to get to class now, anyway. I've got potions, you have Divination."


From beside Loki, Sirius scrunched up his face. The girl giggled at the sight. When Sirius looked over at her she quickly turned her gaze back to the board where the notes were.

"Precisely, Mr Black!" Professor Slughorn grinned. "The most powerful in the world. Now, does anyone know anything else about Amortentia?" Loki glanced around at her fellow students, seeing no one wanted to raise their hand. "No one?"

She felt a nudge in her side and looked over. Sirius winked at her, urging her silently to speak up. Loki nodded at the boy, blushing slightly. She swallowed the small lump in her throat and raised her hand.

"Miss Hawthorne! Yes, tell us what you know," Slughorn urged.

"Um, well, amortentia can't actually make someone feel real love. It just makes someone feel infatuated with the person who gave it to them," she spoke, feeling incredibly awkward that everyone was listening. "It can be extremely dangerous. Uh...People also smell many different things, the things that attract them the most."

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