🌸Chapter 1🌸

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Ever since Harry was a little boy he loved things that were "girly" or "not for boys" and would always get made fun of for what he liked. His mother, Anne, and his sister, Gemma, loved to nurture his feminine side, and give him the space to express himself in anyway that he wanted.

Harry never understood why people were disgusted by him. He would come home crying into his white fluffy cardigan, that he insisted on wearing everyday, going on about all the mean things that the boys in his class would say to him.

As he grew up he never grew out of it, no matter how many people said it was just a phase, or that it wouldn't last and he would be a "proper man".

So here he is, 16 years old walking the halls beside his two best friends in his oversized lavender sweater, white skirt, white knee high socks, and Mary Janes.

Liam and Niall were Harry's best friends, even though they didn't share as many interests as him. Him and Niall were like bothers, met on the playground and attached at the hip since. Liam, however, had only known Harry for a year or two but they were still very good friends.

The first day of sophomore year was very exciting for Harry, but Niall and Liam dreaded it. They saw school as hell, something to torture kids with, while Harry thought it was an opportunity to be nice and help people.

So obviously Harry loved to see the bright side of things, always saw the best in people, always finding beauty in things that look ugly at first glance. So while walking down the hall, meeting eyes with a handsome punk boy, he found so much beauty in those vibrant ocean eyes.

He stopped in his tracks, stunned. The only thought running through his mind, blue blue blue blue so so blue I'm in love with that blue. Liam and Niall had disappeared, most likely to their lockers, so he broke out of his trance and went to his locker.

»»————- ★ ————-««

End of Chapter 1
Please bear with me here it's my first fic and I know this chapter is short but I don't know if people will like it so yea :)
- Bee 🌻

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