🕯Chapter 13🕯

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Sorry last chapter was so short I hope this makes up for it !!
I also apologize for not updating when I said I would I wanted to but some stuff happened I'm sorry

Self harm

(Liam POV)

I can't believe that I've been able to keep this secret. Maybe I'm not as bad of a liar I thought I was. I'm sat across my date in a small, but nice, cafe that I've never been to before despite living here my whole life.

Things are going well between us. I met him from my English class, caught him staring at me from across the room and confronted him about it after class. Ever since then we've talked and just kind of hit it off.

I don't want Harry and Niall knowing yet. I'm afraid of how they will react. I know they will still love me no matter what but I think I just wanna wait a bit longer.

Just a bit.

(Louis POV)

Me and Harry are going steady, nothing official yet and I still and shocked by the events that happened a couple days ago. Just wow.

I'm sitting on my bed doing homework and all I can think of is that pretty twink boy with emerald green eyes.

And then I start to spiral.

I get so far into my own thoughts about him and all the what if's like what if I hurt him or what if he hurts me what if what if what if. I get so lost I don't even remember how I got into the bathroom but I know what I'm here for.

I look in the cabinet under the sink and take out my razor. It's been so long but the temptation never left, and I'm finally giving in.

I sit down on the toilet seat and drag the blade across my wrist and let out a sigh as I watch the blood pour out of my body. Relief.

I've missed it. A lot. And halfway through the second cut I thought of him. He took over my mind and I stopped mid-cut, and broke down. I was on the floor with violent sobs shaking my body.

I don't deserve him. He deserves a Prince Charming, a knight in shining armor, something from a fairy tale. Not some punk boy who gives no shits about the world.

But I want him. So bad. He's everything that I want, everything that I need. I want to be with him.

But I can't.

(Harry's POV)

That night was fun. I really really enjoyed it. He made me feel so good, loved, wanted, pretty. It was the best thing I ever experienced.

I want him. So much. He makes me feel like I never have before, things I've never felt just overload me when I'm with him. It's confusing and I have no idea what's going on but sometimes the best things are the ones you can't explain.

I don't want to wait for him to make a move. I'm way too impatient for that. So I'm going to ask him out. Officially.

Of course he'll say yes he fucked me a couple days ago.

(Niall's POV)

I met someone. They are easily one of the best people I've ever met. Their name is Ashe and we've been talking for a while now.

I haven't told Harry and Liam yet because they are hiding people too they need a taste of their own medicine.

Ashe is gender fluid so every day I have to ask them their pronouns every day just to make sure but it's no big deal.

Right now we are walking around downtown just talking and going through shops having a really nice time.

They really are so so beautiful.

End of chapter 13

Sooo gender fluid Ashe..
I wanted to add a gender fluid character bc I myself am gender fluid :)
Tea with Lima !!
Who do you think he's going out with?
Thank you so much for reading hope you have an amazing day love yous xxxxxxxx

- Bee 🐢

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