🌷Chapter 7🌷

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Harry didn't show up to school the next day, his mum wanted to make sure he was ok. He was ok with it though, and excuse to stay in his pajamas all day and not see Louis.

He still couldn't believe that he would do something like that, after treating him so nicely. It was shocking to say the least. He just tried to carry on with his day and be as normal as possible so Niall and Liam don't get suspicious.

The beginning of the year and bad things are already happening. Great. This wasn't going to be a good year he could tell.

He just wanted someone to treat him like a Disney princess. Someone that would love him and give him a happily ever after. All day Harry day dreamed about living a happy life with a man he would be so in love with, and they would get married and have kids and just be happy together. He wanted to be in love.

Harry quickly snapped out of his thoughts when Gemma came into his room to check up on him. "Hey Haz you doing ok?" She asked him carefully, as if he would break just by her talking. "Yes Gem I'm fine you don't have to keep checking up on me every half hour." Harry said with an eye roll. He knew that they just wanted him to be ok but this was a little bit much.

"Ok ok I'm sorry I'll leave you alone now." Thank goodness "Love you Hazza." She said in annoyingly high pitched voice. "Yea love you too Gemma." And with that she left him to lie in his bed, thinking about nothing, yet everything at the same time.

He thought about his childhood, his father, his mum and sister, Niall and Liam, Louis. Harry decided he would avoid him at all costs. And never even bring him up in any sort of conversation with anyone. It would be difficult due to their schedules, and how his eyes were like magnetic, putting Harry in a trance and drawing him in.

Fuck. This might be harder than he originally thought.

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Sorry this chapter is so short I wanted to do something better this time but I've just not been doing well recently.
Stay tuned the next chapter will be very long !!!!
Love youuuuu xxxxx

- Bee🐥

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