🐙Chapter 19🐙

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The octopus emoji is cute :)
Ok that's all enjoy

More seggsy times-kinda-
They talk about BDSM things
I'm so sorry

(Louis POV)

I wake up with Harry wrapped around me like a little koala. It's the best.

But I'm really hungry.

I gently take his arm that was around my waist and lay it down on the bed. He's a deep sleeper. I get out of bed very carefully and then I just take a minute to admire how beautiful he is when he sleeps. With his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open, letting out small snores.

I woke from my trance-and realize how creepy I am-by my stomach growling quite loudly.

I leave the room and head down to Harry's kitchen, but I'm stopped at the bottom of the stairs by his sister, Gemma.

"Hi Louis, is Harry asleep?" She said with this weird look in her eyes.

"Uh yea I didn't want to wake him. I was just going to get some food."

"Hold on a minute I want to talk with you." She says and walks over to the kitchen island to sit down on of the stools.

I stand there not knowing what to do like an idiot. She gives me a look and motions me to sit on one of the stools across from her. I hurry up to sit down, and I chose the one right in front of her.

"What are your intentions with my little brother?"

Oh my fuck I am terrified. My hands start shaking but I go along with this anyways.

"All I want to do is make him happy. I would do anything for Harry, if that's what he wanted I would go to the moon and back to get it for him. My intentions are to make him smile every day, even when it seems impossible. But not only for him, me too, so I get to see that beautiful smile that can't be described well enough with words. I want to wake up every day to see those amazingly green eyes of his even though I know it's nearly impossible because he's 16 and I'm 18 so he can't really move out yet, but in the future. We are not official yet but I see him in my future, and that's where I want him. And I um...I think I might love him."

I add that last part looking down, breath shaky.

"Wow. Your punk look is very deceiving, your just a big softie!" She only kind of jokes.

"Oh fuck off." I groan.

We go back and forth like that, having a fun conversation and joking around.

"Hi." Harry says, morning voice prominent. I look over to him standing at the end of the island and I can't keep the fond off my face. "Good morning sunshine, how did you sleep?" He just groans and wraps himself around me. Still tired I guess.

He decides that hugging me isn't enough and he crawls into my lap, wincing when he sits down. It takes a bit for him to get comfortable but when he does I hold him steady by his hips.

Gemma is looking at us weird, and I'm sure she noticed how he had a hard time sitting.

"Haz? You alright there?" Yea she noticed.

"Uh what do you mean?" He says starting to blush.

"Is it difficult to sit down?" Ok yeah we're fucked. She definitely knows. Embarrassed, Harry hides in my neck.

"A little bit." He mumbles. "Harry just tell me you had sex I don't care. I won't tell mum." As red as a tomato he looks up at her. I feel like I'm in the middle of something. "W-we uh, yeah we had sex." He says almost shamefully. "Well. How was it?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows at us.


"What I'm just asking?"

He hides himself in my chest again not wanting to look at her. "First Niall now you? This is stupid. But yes it was very very very good."

"Ok that's all. Mums at work and I'm going out with friends. Mum will be home in a couple hours I don't know when I'll get back. See you guys have fun." She says getting up and grabbing her purse. She gets to the front door and yells, "Just don't fuck in my bed or the couch!" And shuts the door.

"That was so embarrassing!" He groans. "I know baby but it's ok, it's not a bad thing to talk about. And your going to have to get up so I can make up breakfast." I know he won't want to do it's not surprise when he makes a small noise and grabs onto me.

"Baby. Don't you want pancakes?" That makes him look up and nod his head enthusiastically. "Then you got to get up." He sighs but gets up and moves to the couch to watch a movie.

I start with the batter and I know Harry will probably like it so I put sprinkles in them. Then I got and idea.


Once I've finished placing the sprinkles very carefully onto his frosted pancake I walk into the living room with silverware, our pancakes, and syrup. I look at the tv to see he's watching tangled, which is adorable.

I hand him his plate trying to keep the message on it from falling apart.  He smiles really big, and it's wiped off his face when he sees the words written in sprinkles on his food. "Be my boyfriend ?" He reads aloud. "Are you serious?" He says looking up at me with unreadable emotion in his eyes. I'm so fucking nervous. "Well I- uh- I am serious. I want you to be my boyfriend." I'm shaking so bad I need to put my food down on the table. Harry gets up and kisses me so hard it could bruise my lips. Of course I kiss back but he pulls away. "Yes I would love to." He whispers on my lips. We sit down on the couch and eat while watching tangled.

I like the lizard guy he's cool.

When we finished eating we just sit there cuddling in a comfortable silence. That is until he starts poking me. "What is it baby?" I ask every time he pokes me but he insists he doesn't want anything. I finally get enough and pull him onto my lap so he's facing me and straddling my thighs.



So that's what he wants. I pull him down my his neck and kiss him hard, passionately, with everything I have. I move my hands from his neck to his waist and pick him up to carry us to the room.

I open the door and slam him against it as soon as I close it, making him whimper. I lift him up again and sit him on the bed, but I stand in front of him.

"What are you doing?" He asks with a frown. "Before we start I want to talk about some things that I think you might like, but not knowing about it yet." This is the perfect opportunity. I've been thinking just about this whole time that he's into BDSM. Not just the sex part but the lifestyle. I know he doesn't know anything about it so I think this is the time to. "What is it?"

"Do you know what BDSM is?" Harry shakes his head.

I give him a brief explanation of what it is and he nods along. I'm not sure how he feels about it.

"So what do you think?"

"I'm not sure. I think it's definitely something I want to try, but if I don't like it we can stop, right?" He says nervously, obviously embarrassed with talking about things he's into.

"Yes of course we can stop anytime if you want to."

We talk about the color system, and safewords-we established its 'kiwi'- and rules and punishments and aftercare. We also talked about signs for when we are in public, like a sign so he knows he's in trouble, one for him to make when he's uncomfortable, etc.

Once we finish taking about that I've decided he's waited long enough so I tie him to the headboard, at his request, and fuck him into the mattress as he moans-just about screams- 'Daddy' in my ear.

End of chapter 19
This was mainly a filler chapter but also to start off the rest of the story.
Official boyfriends !!!!
Hope you have an amazing day love yous xxxxxxxxxx

- Bee 🐚

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