🍃Chapter 8🍃

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It's been a bit since I last updated so I made this chapter a good as I could and I hope you enjoy :)


Sexual content
Panic attacks

(Harry's POV)
Returning to school wasn't as bad as I thought. My only worry was running into Louis, which was very likely to happen because of our schedules. I just tried to do everything in my power to avoid him. I got to all my classes early and left as soon as possible. And it was working. I've been successfully avoiding him all week.

Until Friday. Of course the very last day of the week.

I hadn't given him the chance to run into me -like usual- but I don't think he recognizes me today.

I'm not wearing my usual skirt or dress, today it's just some high waisted jeans and a maroon sweater, not tucked into his jeans. Which is very out of character, I always tuck in my shirts when I wear jeans or shorts if it's not a crop top.

The day was normal school, boring class after boring class, no one bothering to talk to me. That was kind of a disappointment. I thought I was the kind of person people would go to and try to get to know. It's whatever.

Then lunch rolled around. That's when I knew he recognized me.

Usually Louis skips lunch so I didn't think I had to worry about it but I guess I do. I was sitting at my table, minding my own business enjoying my food, when he locked eyes with me. I quickly broke eye contact and stared at my plate like it was the most interesting thing I'd ever seen.

I took a glance up and saw him walking over. Fuck fuck fuck fuck nope no thank you. And of course he sat right across from me. There was no avoiding him now.

"Hey Harry. Haven't talked to you since the party what's up?" Louis said with a small bit of hurt in his voice, but it was quickly masked my his flirtatious manner.

I had no idea what to say. Just gotta play it safe. "I- uh- dunno." Great going that was fucking amazing. "What are you up to later?" I have no clue how to answer that. "Nothin." Fuck why am I so dumb. "Well was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to another party with me tonight. I would pick you up and take you out."

Oh hell no. Not again. Nope. He's just trying to take advantage of me again. But I have no excuse not to go I already said I wasn't doing anything I can't get out of it now. Fuck. "Um yea ok when?" Fuck fuck fuck fuck "Its at 9 I'll pick you up. Just text me your address later. Here's my number." He slid me a small piece of paper with some numbers on it and I just shoved it in my pocket as he left.

There is no getting out of this now why am I so dumb. I'm an idiot.


I got dressed into one of my favorite outfits, a light yellow skirt with the same shade cardigan with a white crop top under it, and white fishnet leggings.

I know I shouldn't be getting butterflies about this because of what he did but I can't help it. It's ok though I came up with a plan.

We get to the party, I stay for ten minutes, pretend I get a text saying  that my mom needs help, I leave.

Cliche I know but it works.

So I text Louis telling him my address and wait. This was extremely nerve racking. Mum and Gem weren't home and they won't be for a while so that's nothing to worry about. But it's alright because I'll  get out of there almost as soon as I get there so nothing to worry about, right?

I didn't have much time to think more about it because Louis came up in his small car. Everything is going to be fine. I walked out of my house, locked the door-like always- and slowly made my way to his car. My breathing quickened as I got in the car and buckled up into the passenger seat.

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