🥀Chapter 4🥀

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When Louis finally got back home from a long and boring day of school, he almost immediately got a call from Zayn. Most likely a party. "Hey mate you up to go to Luke's party later?" Knew it. "Yeah sure when?" "It's at eight. See you there?" "Yeah sure, mate." Louis replied and hung up. It was probably rude to hang up on him like that, but Louis didn't care.

The girls were at his nan's so he'll go to the party, get drunk, smoke some weed, get a mediocre shag, normal party stuff.

So he hopped in the shower, had a bowl of cereal, and plopped on the couch to watch a movie. Don't tell anyone but despite his rough demeanor, Louis actually loves romance movies.

He sees the characters and the way they fall in love, and he wants that. He wants a cute boy to take on dates, and to kiss and cuddle and to give sweet gifts, he wants to wrap his arms around his waist and give him soft gentle kisses on his neck. But that would never happen. So he turns on Love, Simon and eats out of an ice cream carton. You know, typical bad boy stuff.


He walks into Luke's house wearing a plain tank top under a leather jacket and black ripped jeans, and immediately smells the pot. It's not your regular high school party with blaring music and strobe lights. It was more like 30-50 teens getting drunk and high together in a mostly non suspicious way. They always had fun though, they would get drunk or high-or both-and watch kids cartoons that would blow their fucked out minds. And of course there were the horny drunks who would go shag in the guest room or bathrooms. Louis was one of them.

Naturally, Zayn found him almost as soon as Louis walked through the door. "Hey mate glad you came it's going to be sick!" Zayn said excitedly. "Mhm yeah I bet." Louis replies uninterested, just looking for the drugs. He pushes past Zayn, heading towards the kitchen. He was pouring himself a drink when he hears some other kids hitting on a boy. Normally he wouldn't care but it was like ten guys all hitting on the same guy. Not cool. "Cmon guys lay off the poor boy." Louis said irritated. All of the guys turned around, covering up the boy so Louis couldn't see him. He must've been small. "And if we don't?" One of the assholes retorted. "Fuck," he muttered "ok I don't want to fight just leave the boy alone for god's sake he's probably scared out of his mind." Of course, the dickheads didn't listen. "No I'm pretty sure the little slut loves all this attention." One of the guys said, grabbing Harry from behind him by the hair. He was wearing a small, tight black dress with one of the straps down from being handled like he was, which he fixed shyly, a tear falling down his cheek.

This wasn't going to fly with Louis. "Leave the degradation kink in the bedroom dickhead, and I can assure you he isn't enjoying this look at him don't be a prick just leave him with me." Louis trued to reason with him, but surprise surprise he didn't listen. "No I don't think so. I'll keep the whore and you'll mind your own business." By now Harry is full on sobbing not knowing what to do. Fucking hell. " I really didn't want to do this but fuck you." Louis says harshly as he punches the guy in the head, knocking him out in one shot. The others ran away from him, scared. Harry tries to walk but stumbles into Louis, falling on his chest. He gave up and clung to Louis' leather jacket and cried into his shirt, helpless.

He was quick to react, wrapping his arms around the small boy who was clearly drunk. Those assholes probably fed him drinks until he was too weak to defend himself. "Hey it's ok love let's go upstairs and you ca tell me what happened, alright?" Louis said softly. "O-ok" Harry managed to stutter before bursting into tears again. Louis picked him up and carried him up to the guest room.

When he got him there he sat the small boy down on the bed and sat across him. He's calmed down a bit, only silent tears streaming down his cheeks now. "This was my first time drinking, going to a party..I just wanted to prove that I can handle myself but clearly I can't." Harry slurred still very drunk. "Hey-" Louis tried to say before he got cut off again. "And I can't lie I did like being manhandled like that but not by them and the way they did it!!" Ok this is getting out of hand Louis needs to stop him before he says anything worse. "Ok love let's-". "And I hate it because now I'm really horny because I think they slipped something in one of my drinks and I just want to be taken care of!!" Ok wow "ok are you done now babe?" Louis asked cautiously. "No!!! I'm confused!! I don't like not knowing things and there's a lot of things that I don't know!!" Harry yelled, very upset and frustrated.

"Ok clam down love let's get you into bed, you've had a long night you need sleep." He said slowly and carefully taking off Harry's dress so he can sleep comfortable. "Is this ok?" Louis asked softly.

Of course drunk, innocent Harry got the wrong idea, thinking Louis was trying to get in bed with him. "Mhm this is good." Harry said in almost a moan, which Louis just shrugged off because he was drunk and possibly most likely drugged.

Louis finished taking off his dress and gasped when he saw what was underneath. Pink lacy panties. Wow. If seeing Harry in this dress didn't make his cock twitch this definitely did. Seeing him laying on the bed like this..he would have to really try to contain himself tonight. He would not do that to Harry, he's too innocent, barely even knowing about sex. Still he thought they were going to, so when Louis shrugged off his jacket and took off his skinny jeans he got pretty excited.

When he got close to the bed, Harry pulled Louis down by his shirt so he was on top of him. Louis froze, not knowing what to do, Harry was drunk he couldn't do this now!! His thoughts were interrupted when Harry pulled him by his collar and kissed him.

Louis didn't know what to do so he pulled away and got off of Harry, which made him pout and ask him, "What's wrong I thought we were doing this?" Ok that's explains a lot. "No baby your drunk I took off your dress so you could sleep comfortable." He said quietly. "Oh." Harry said sadly with a pout. "Come cuddle then or I'll cry." He said with grabby hands at Louis. "I don't really cuddle babe sorry." He said more coldly than he meant, and crawled into bed under the blankets, and faced away from Harry.

A couple minutes later Louis felt the bed shake slightly and heard a sniffle. He turned around to see Harry's back shaking slightly so he put a hand on his back. "What's wrong baby are you ok?" He asked quietly. "I-I told you so." He cried out. Louis had to think for a second before he realized what he had meant.

"Do you want me to try to cuddle you?" Louis asked very reluctantly. He doesn't cuddle. At all. But he can't be the reason this boy cries, not if he can help it. "Come here." He says with a sigh. Harry immediately turned around and fell into Louis' chest. He didn't know what to do, so Louis just put his arms around the smaller boy. He was uncomfortable, not something he was used to, but he could tell Harry loved it, curling into his chest and soaking in the affection. He started to get used to it and he started to like it, but he was still very weirded out and not used to this kind of affection. He eventually fell asleep, nose buried in his curls and legs tangled in Harry's.

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End of chapter 4
I know you probably think this is going too fast but you'll see :)
Thank you to anyone reading I really enjoy writing this and I want to keep going so thank youuu love youu :)
- Bee🍒

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