3: First Impression

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**Concept for MC

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**Concept for MC. Will be mentioning white hair, golden eyes, but you can picture her however you'd like. Also, outfit I see as all black, but something like this. She is from a poor village and mysterious background, so her clothes would be really simple.**

Finral used his magic to create a portal back to the hideout.

"Teleportation Magic. That's really cool," I complimented.

"It's nothing compared to Blood Magic," he smiled back. "Well, this is home!"

I looked up at the castle-size building, "Holy shit."

"If you think this is nice, you should see some of the other hideouts," Finral said. "Or even where I grew up. It puts this dump to shame."

I rolled my eyes, "I almost forgot you're some privileged rich boy. Thanks for the reminder."

Yami slammed open the front door and a gush of wind poured out. It reeked of alcohol and sweat.

I walked in first and stood in shock at the scene before me. There were bursts of lightning and fire being thrown about. Food and bottles were everywhere. Two boys were in the midst of an arm-wrestling match... And no one even turned their heads in my direction.

Yami put his arm on my shoulder again, "You'll get used to it."

"Yea, they're good people," Finral added.

I continued to observe my new squad mates. Well, I see now where they get their reputation from.

There was a sudden crash next to me, and I saw that Yami had smashed the rock wall to get everyone's attention.

"Line up!!" he yelled.

Quickly, all the bodies came rushing over and kneeled in a line before us. It was such a stark contrast to what I had seen previously, my mouth couldn't help but drop.

"This is the new recruit." Yami gestured towards me.

As all eyes were now on me, I felt really nervous. I lifted up my hand to give a small wave.

"Damn. She's hot." a woman only wearing a bikini commented.

I looked her up and down, "I was thinking the same thing about you."

The room was suddenly in laughter, and everyone started to rise from their feet.

I felt a pair of eyes staring at me, and I looked up to meet Yami's gaze. He was looking at me softly, way differently than anything I had experienced yet.

I found myself unable to breathe normally, his grey eyes piercing into me.

"Hot as she may be, she looks weak as fuck!" a boy with sunglasses and a black mohawk yelled.

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