13: Fun & Games

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"What the hell!?" I complained while Finral created a portal to take us all back to the hideout.

"What are you wining about?" Yami groaned.

"You couldn't transport us to our mission!? We travelled for like two days to get there!!!" I yelled.

The group started laughing.

"I would love to transport you anywhere, but like Yami says—"

Yami interrupted, "Transporting everywhere would make you soft! Long travels build character!" He shot a thumbs up.

"Coming from the dude who gets transported to the toilet," I grumbled.

"Hurry up before I make you fly back to the hideout," Yami called while pushing me through the portal.

I had never transported anywhere before, so I fell through and landed on my face.

"Ouch," I moaned.

"You know, I noticed you're not the most graceful person," Yami smirked while offering a hand to help
me up.

I got up without his help and dusted myself off, "I'm perfectly graceful, thank you."

The others were already headed towards the front door, so I took off after them. I stumbled on my first step and almost fell before catching myself.

Yami laughed loudly, "Yea, I can see that!"

I flipped him off and kept walking.

"Y/n, wait." he called in a semi-serious tone, so I stopped and looked back to him.

"Hmm?" I cocked my head to the side.

"I wanted to talk to you real quick," he rubbed his neck nervously while puffing on a cigarette. "Well, I've never done this before, and I still don't know what I'm doing..."

He continued, "You ok if we hold off on telling everyone? It's just, I'm still your captain and I've got a lot to figure out."

I could tell how nervous he was so I offered him a bright smile while reaching for his hand. "Of course, Yami. I trust your judgment. You just let me know what you decide, and I'll keep following your lead."

"You trust me?" he asked with a light blush on his cheeks.

I lifted up on my toes and kissed him softly on the cheek, "Of course I do. Now let's go. Wouldn't want anyone to get suspicious."

Everything was as normal in the hideout, and it brought a huge smile to my face. Vanessa was passed out. Charmy was eating. Gauche was mumbling some weird stuff about his sister. Luck and Magna were already at each other's throats...

Home sweet home.

"Let's do some team bonding!" Magna yelled from across the room.

"Drinking games!" a couple people called out together.

"Yea, no... you can count me out. I'm going to sleep." I said while heading towards the stairs.

"You've only been awake for like 2 hours! No way you need a nap already!!" Finral yelled.

"Yea, what the hell, Y/n!!?" Magna added. "You have to hang out with us!!"

"Hmm, how about this... If you beat me in an arm wrestling match, I'll stay," I smirked at him.

There's no way I could actually beat him, but if I fake enough confidence, he'll definitely back down.

"Or," Yami interjected. "You're a sword user right?"

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon