21: Reintroduced

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My chapter got deleted as soon as I finished!!! So annoying. So I had to rewrite. Sorry if it feels rushed, but that's why.

I sat at the end of the table near Julius' chair. I was zoning out and softly petting Lunelle when the Magic Knight Captains began filing in.

Lunelle had been laying down casually, but quickly stood at attention with the interruption.

"Friends!" Julius yelled, standing to his feet.

I looked over lazily in their direction. Why do they look pissed?

"Oh, uh, Jules," I called, bringing his attention to the fact he had stepped on Lunelle.

"Oh, dear!" He quickly moved. "Sorry, girl," he said sheepishly while patting Lunelle's head.

"Jules? You guys pals now or somethin?" Yami chimed in.

"Do you like it?! I've never had a nickname before!" Julius squealed with excitement.

I can't believe the Wizard King is a total dork.

I laughed softly, turning my attention back to Lunelle. She was a little on edge with the vibe the Captains just brought in, so I thought I should calm her down before Julius introduced her.

"It's, well... cute," Charlotte cooed with a smile. "You and Jules get pretty close lately?"

I didn't even bother to look over at her. If she wants a reaction, she's going to have to get one from someone else. I'm exhausted.

"Sir," Nozel called, the only one still standing. "It seems Yami and Y/n had, well, relations before she left. Did you know about this?"

Oop, that definitely got my attention.

I snapped my head up and looked around the table frantically.

What the fuck!? How did they all know that!?

"Well, yes. Of course I knew." Julius stated blankly.

"A Captain and a squad member? You can't be serious?" Charlotte chuckled.

"They're both fine mages and good people... I saw nothing wrong with it. I hope you all find people you want to settle down with someday."

"Besides, as far as I've been told, that's over now anyway, so no need to hash out the past. We have bigger things to worry about."

I looked over at Yami who was clearly avoiding my eye contact.

Did Yami tell him it was over between us? Like completely?

"Well, I'm glad to know it's not off limits," Nozel said with a smile while finally taking his seat.

Yami's blank face, just puffing on his cigarette, it really started to piss me off.

"I'm sorry," I raised my voice. "But how the fuck did you all find out anyway? Am I missing something?"

Jack cackled, "You shouldn't be in relationships you don't want anyone finding out about."

"Settle down," Charlotte laughed, "Yami just told us while we were outside."

I shook my head and took a deep breath, letting myself recompose. "Yes, well, as Julius said, that's over now. Let's just focus on the attack today."

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant