16: Sadness

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**Yami's POV**

As I walked into the dining hall for breakfast, I scanned the room looking for Y/n.

"Has anyone seen Y/n yet today?" I called out.

There were only some low mumbles and head shakes in response, "Speak up!!"

"No, sir!"

I let out a long puff of cigarette smoke. This has gone on long enough. She can't fucking hide from me forever.

I turned around and marched back up the stairs, the anger in me beginning to boil over.

"Uh, sir, where ya goin?" Asta called sheepishly.

"To drag her ass out here."

I knocked on her door a few times last night and she ignored it. What the fuck is her problem?

I immediately started banging on her door, "Hey!! I know you're awake!! Get your ass up and answer!!"


"Oi!! Y/n!! You think this shit is funny!? I'll bust down your door!"

"Captain, maybe you should just let her rest," Finral squeaked.

I turned to see I had an audience watching me.

"She can't just act like a fucking child! None of you can! Not while you're a bull! Y/n, you have 3 seconds before I knock this door down!"

Still nothing? Shit, now I was actually getting kind of worried.

"1!" I yelled and then kicked down the door, not waiting until I got to 3.

I dropped my cigarette as I looked into the room with shock. Her bed was nicely made and she left her Black Bulls robe hanging on her chair. The window was open, and Y/n was no where in sight.

"Captain! You ok!?" Asta ran to me and peered inside. "S-She's gone?"

With this revelation the bulls all huddled around, trying to get a glimpse at Y/n's empty room.

"Is she coming back!?" Finral yelled.

"Y/n would never leave us!" Asta reassured.

"Poor girl..." Vanessa huffed.

"Well, what the hell do we do now!?" Magna questioned.

"SHUT IT!! I'm trying to think!!!!" I demanded.

She really left? Because of me? How could I be so fucking stupid? So thoughtless...

I began to look through her room while everyone stood there, still watching.

"Her clothes are still here," I muffled while picking up the book on her desk and giving it a once over.

She was still reading about the history of the Black Bulls and the book was now filled with her markings. There was also a small pad on the desk where she had been keeping notes.

She cares way too much to abandon her squad. So where'd she go? Why'd she leave the robe?

I sighed and turned back to the others, "Look, I think I know where she may have gone."

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now