38: Past Encounter

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Lunelle and I zoomed through the countryside. I had gotten used to flying low to the ground so that Lunelle could be by my side, and it was actually faster for me.

Once you got use to the bobbing and weaving, it was faster since you didn't have to worry about flying against the harsh winds of the sky.

After training all day and then flying for the last few hours, I was absolutely drained. I really hoped they didn't try to start a fight with me, otherwise, I might be in trouble.

I hopped off my broom as we approached the border and came upon the Neutral Territory where the others were waiting.

I crouched down and softly stroked Lunelle, "I'm completely worn out now. If they try to attack us, I'll really need your help. Is that ok?"

She purred slightly as she nuzzled into my arm and wrapped her tail around me. I couldn't help myself as small tears formed in my eyes, "Thanks, Lunelle. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I'd been feeling extra emotional lately. Honestly, I was just overworked and over-exhausted.

I got up and began walking towards the woods. They said they'd camp near here for the whole week and wait for me.

I had been debating on whether or not to tell someone, but I knew no one would believe me or trust them. No one would approve.

"Y/n?" a familiar voice called out.

I slowly lowered the hood on my cloak, "Levi?"

My eyes widened at the tall man before me. His hair still hung down in the same style, just wild around his face. It was black but turned to a lighter blond at the ends.

He had a large tribal-like tattoo that stretched from
the base of his neck and across part of his face.

A girl with long, red hair appeared beside him. She was tall, taller than me, and her eyes were a deep blue, contrasting her partners deep red eyes. A scar slashed across the left side of her face.

"Rei?" my eyes widened at my former companions.

"Hello, Y/n. It's good to see you," she smiled at me.

"Where's Kaiyo?" I asked in almost a whisper.

Levi never took his eyes off me, but Rei just shook her head softly, looking at the ground.

"I see..." I trailed off.

"Can we take you to our camp? There's a few others there you should meet," Rei added.

I nodded and began to approach them, Lunelle by my side on full alert.

I wasn't ready to tell her she didn't need to be at attention. The truth was, I had my guard up too.

They led us through the forest and into a small clearing where a fire was burning and there were 2 others waiting.

"Y/n," Rei called out. "This is Kota and Suki."

I bowed my head softly, "Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n. This is Lunelle."

Lunelle let out a soft growl, alerting everyone that she was not to be fucked with. I smiled internally, feeling extremely grateful to have her by my side.

"Please, take a seat," Rei gestured to a small log.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I sat. Levi's eyes were still burrowing into me.

"Can we get you anything?" she asked.

"No. I'm fine, thank you."

Her and Levi sat across from me, "We were surprised to hear from you."

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