25: Promotion

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***Quick Black Clover Spoiler.... I just found out Nacht was a spy in the Spade Kingdom!!?! I don't read the manga so I had no idea!!! Here I was, thinking that my idea is all original😂 Anyway, hope you're still enjoying it!***

"Get your ass up!!" Yami yelled.

I looked up at him from all fours and slowly stood, wiping the blood from my mouth.

"You wanted to learn from me!? Well lesson 1: stay on your fucking feet."

I grabbed the katana Yami had gifted me and swung it in a single circle.

"It's time to knock down that big ass ego of yours," I snarled.

He smirked and puffed on his cigarette, "That's big talk coming from the girl who hasn't landed a single blow."

"Arghhhh!" I yelled as I charged at him. I swung my blade forcefully smashing it against his.

I kept swinging and he kept dodging.

"Come on sweetheart. You're gonna have to do a lot better than that," he teased.

He spun and landed a roundhouse kick to my gut. I flew back and tumbled, smashing against a tree.

"Ahhh! Fuck!!!" I yelled out frustration as I stood.

He laughed loudly, "Alright that's enough for today."

"No! I'm not finished yet!!" I started running towards him, grabbing my katana off the ground along the way.

"Sorry, babe. I'm done," he said nonchalantly while walking away.

"Yami!! Don't walk away from me!" I jumped into the air ready to attack him.

He quickly dodged, and I somersaulted my landing.

I stood and stomped my foot on the ground, "Why won't you fight me?!"

"Look, if you saw yourself right now, you wouldn't want to fight you either," he teased.

I didn't have to see myself to know what he meant. I felt the blood, bruises, and cuts all over.

"You did well today," he put his hand on my shoulders.

"I'm hopeless without my magic. In hand-to-hand combat, I'm useless."

"Useless is a bit dramatic, don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes before walking away, "Fuck off, Yami."

"Hey! What did I do!? Y/n!" he yelled after me.

"I should've never agreed to train her," I heard him mumble, and I smiled to myself.

"I'm gonna go shower," I called to him.

"Mm," he groaned in annoyance.

I turned around and looked at him, "Wanna join?"

His eyes shot up and a smile replaced his look of frustration. He ran up and grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Yami!!" I squealed.

"Nope, not letting you down," he teased while walking through the back entrance of Headquarters.

Julius asked me to stay for a couple days after I returned. He was really worried about me being so far away from the Capital without his protection.

When Yami found out, he refused to leave my side. Julius only agreed because he was actually really excited for us to be together.

Yami was one of Julius' oldest and closest friends. And, even though Yami didn't know, Julius has called me his daughter like multiple times now...

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