Part 21(B)

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Anjali and Shyam went Dubai in the evening. But for a change Arnav didn't bother to drop her off or even went to see her off.

Later that night Arnav found Khushi at pool side looking at sky. He had seen her do this many time. But later when she said she believe stars to be the our loved ones he started getting some doubts. He went and sat near her.

"Khushi I have been waiting to talk to you"


"Khushi I didn't know Akash manipulated you in to this relationship. I talked to him , he said he  apologized to you many times for that. Did he?"

"Ji. He apologized many time during our conversation. I forgive him. He put his marriage as bait for his brother and I bought the bait for my sister. So forgive him. After all we both did that for our loved ones. Khushi said.

"I am sorry  for Di's behavior Khushi , I don't know how to say this .It's just that her medical conditions in past that made us forgive her for everything she did...'he couldn't continue justifying his inability to stop his sister .

"Stop it Arnavji .Her behavior has nothing to do with the past and nothing can justify what you all have been doing too. You knew about her behavior towards me and you all have seen it. But you people never stopped her. You all turned a blind eye to my feelings and emotions. I too am a human being .I too have feelings. I too get hurt. I won't let anybody play with my feeling anymore. If past is what that influenced her behavior then all she has to be is more sensitive to others feelings.She continued to behave like that because you all turned a blind eye towards my emotions   It's not just her who endured in the past. I too have suffered so much. But that doesn't give me free ticket to behave the way I wanted with everyone." Khushi went her frustration.

Arnav was shocked with her outburst.He had never sen her this angry and he knows it's because of him and his family.But what caught his attention more was 'She too suffered in the past'

"what do you mean by "you too have suffered Khushi." Please tell me Khushi. You always ignore my questions.Please tell me . Arnav did not bother to defend his sister as he knew what ever Khushi said is true. He had done very thing possible to make his sister's life easy.  he is not going to justify her bad behavior or their ignorance. Now his priority is Khushi. He could see the pain in her eyes every timePayal talks about Guptas . He will be dammed if he let her endure the pain alone .The woman near him is his love and he will not let her in pain any further.

"Please tell me Khushi" Arnav pleaded cupping Khushi's cheeks

Khushi removed Arnav's hand and looked at the sky again.

"I too am an orphan Arnavji"

"What...But Sasi uncle ,your family in Lacknow?"Asked a shocked Arnav

"Garimaji is my masi .My father was the eldest son of Trivedi's. You must have heard of them. The Amazing constructions.Its quiet popular in construction field. I was born with silver spoon You know. The first born in the family that too after 5 years of their marriage. I was everyone's pet. But everything changed in just one night .Me papa,mama and chacha  were returning from a function .My chacha was driving the car. The car we were travelling was hit by a truck. My parents couldn't make it to the hospital. Me and chacha were injured. After a few days a shanti pooja was held in my Ma's home. chacha and family was there too to attend that but suddenly things turned badwhen Someone from ma's family accused Chacha of plotting murder of his brother and family for property .Quickly things turned ugly when relatives from both side threw accusation on each other. Later Chacha and other relatives left the place without bothering the girl who lost her world sitting in a corner and crying hearing their fight.

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