Part 23

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Party was a grand affair. Arnav had invited every single person in his business circle and the important people from his office. What amused Khushi was the pride with which he introduced her to every one. He was always by her side never letting her hands go. Akash too introduced Payal .But everyone could say it was the elder couple who were the real stars of the show.

Khushi had introduced Raizadas to Ram and family much to Buaji and Garima's displease .Nani had invited them to have Lunch next day with them and Gupta who will be staying there for two days on nani's invitation. Ram had to refuse that because of his busy schedule but promised to visit them some time soon.

Everyone was sitting waiting for breakfast to be served when Payal and HP brought the dishes. Khushi was not in the seen.

"Arnav bitwa where is Khushi bitiya?"

"She is in our room nani. She will come now. You all can start."

Just then Khushi came rushing and started to help HP and Payal.

Buaji found that to be the perfect time to degrade Khushi and boost Payal.

"Khushi is this way you behave in your in laws home ? Don't you know your responsibilities? Can't you see how our Payaliya is doing her duty .Why can't you ever learn anything from her?"

Anjali who was silent for a long time found that to be the perfect opportunity to take revenge for the insult she faced that day "Why would she have do anything .Don't you know Khushi works in AR.

Poor Payal she manages everything alone."

Before she could continue..

"Khushi didn't I said you all the time you don't have to serve. We can serve our self Khushi. Come and have your breakfast.

And Buaji this is Khushi's home too not just her in laws home and If you are unaware then let me enlighten you. Khushi and Hp prepared the breakfast. Khushi just went to change her dress. She very well know her responsibilities and duties. You better check your facts next time before you try to pinpoint my wife." He then gave a stern glare to buaji and then to Payal.

Payal is not a morning person .she always gets late to wake up in the morning. Khushi was the one who helped Prakash brothers to prepare breakfast even if she has to go to office. Payal manages lunch .Then again at night Khush helps her jiji and Prakash bothers.

Payal looked down .She know she should have stopped her buaji but she didn't wanted to get embarrassed in front of her in laws.

But Arnav was not finished with that "Di you are right, I have said her She shouldn't do all these, but what can I do? She enjoys cooking and says it's her stress buster. But how will you Know Who cooks the food you eat, Sometimes try waking up before noon and have dinner with family instead of Kitty parties and clubs . at least go to kitchen to fetch a glass of water by yourself." Anjali felt like she was stripped. She was so embarrassed to even look anybody's face with her chotte's insults.

"Ha... Madhuji. Our Khushi manages her every responsibility very well. Akash bitwa and chotte always says how perfect She is in her professional life and we have seen it our self how she manages our home perfectly. She is really a blessing to us" .Nani said with lot of affection for her elder daughter in law.

Madhumthi Mishra didn't have anything to say. She just faked a smile

After breakfast everybody was sitting in living room. Ladies were discussing about some upcoming festivals, jewelry and dress. Manohar and Sasi were talking about their younger days .Arnav and Akash was discussing some business. Mostly Arnav giving instruction to Akash. They didn't notice Gupta ladies listening to them.

Khushi was in her room finishing her some pending work when she heard a knock. She found buaji and Garima at door. She invited them, even though she knew they were here for some purpose.

"Khushi bitiya, how are you? Are you happy here" Garima asked cupping Khushi's face .If Khushi didn't know better she would have fallen in this sweet gesture. Khushi nodded

Khushi saw Buaji nudging Garima to say. When she found her hesitating buaji took the things in her hand.

"Khushi you know about the loan your babuji had taken for payaliya's marriage. His business is not running at much profit. It is getting difficult to pay back the loan. So can you give your jewelry to us .we could settle the loan once and for all with the amount we get from selling it. Why burden him with unnecessary loan payment at this age"

Khushi could only see the height of selfishness in these ladies. They came loaded with gift for their daughter, without bothering to even buy a chocolate for her and now here they are demanding her mother's jewelry without any shame

"Amma when you gave me those jewellery saying it is my parents blessing, I believed at least you won't be asking that. But here you are asking the same which is the only thing that is left with me of my parents. I won't give them. Why didn't you ask Jiji's jewelry? It was for her you took the loan?

"Did you hear Garima, What this ungrateful girl said? How will we ask Payal her jewelry? It was given to her as our blessing. Don't you think you have to repay us at least a little by helping us. There your husband orders around your Jiji's husband and you let him do that and here you refuse to even help us. How selfish and self-centered are you?

"Buaj before being my Jiju, Akashji is Arnavji's younger brother. They very well know what they are doing. I won't interfere in their matters. Moreover it's a family. There is no you and me and as his elder brother Arnavji Knows what is better for Akashji. I will never be the reason for brothers being apart. Khushi made her point loud and clear

"Did you see Garima , She can't see her jiji happy. She wanted to rule our Payal. Don't forget Khushi you are just a replacement. The moment Rizada's find a better girl you will be thrown out. Then you have no place to go than come to our home." Buaji tried to play with her insecurities but Khushi knows better and now she won't allow this lady to rule her life anymore

"Really buaji, we both know you are not here because you felt bad for jijaji. It's because you could stand that jiju is obeying my husband. It pricks you. If it was someone else in my position you wouldn't have any problem. Your problem is with me. And let's not talk about my ungratefulness. I have showed how thankful I am time and again. I still send a part of my salary to you all. So if I have to prove that by creating conflict among brothers and give you my mother's jewelry then I better remain ungrateful. If Raizadas want to replace me with someone better, then don't worry I will never come to your house for a shelter. So don't ever come to me with such nonsenses" Khushi said.

"I have married Khushi not employed her that I find a replacement.Next time if I came to know that you tried to blackmail her, it won't end up good. Remember that. She is no more alone that you play your dirty tricks on her." Came a voice from the door. Arnav had heard everything from start. He came to room to take a file that he and Akash was discussing. He wanted to interfere but stood quit when he found Khushi gave back to buaji.

Garima and Buaji stood embarrassed .They have made sure he was in study room busy with work before approaching Khushi. They quickly left from there.

Arnav came near Khushi and hugged her and then planted a kiss in her forehead" Dare you think I will ever leave you. You are tied to me for a life time. Do you get that?" Khushi could sense his possessiveness and love in each word which made Khushi happy. She nodded with a smile.

"I will ask Aman to transfer amount to Sashi uncle for his loan payment." Arnav said

"No need for that Arnavji. It was just two lacks. I send a part of salary to them. That's more than enough for them to pay the loan on monthly basis. They just wanted to hurt me, what better way than snatching the only thing that is left from my parents. They couldn't stand my happiness." Khushi said.

"I plan to talk to Akash and Payal. I want to know whether they too think like that" .Arnav said still holding Khushi and caressing her hair.

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