Part 38

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It was three months after that night Shyam and family joined them for dinner. That day Anjali declared her pregnancy which brought immense joy to both grandmothers. Everyone congratulated their daughter and damad .

Arnav hugged Khushi expressing his happiness . He was so happy that his sister at last found happiness. Anjali and Shyam were happy in their life. Their face and loving glances they give each other says it all. Now her pregnancy added to their happiness. But his act earned some comments.

"Bhai it is not Khushi bhabhi who is pregnant" Akash said giving a cheeky smile."

"Ho...Akki...He just need a reason to hug her. Have you ever seen a husband hug wife to comfort her for an ant bite?" Nk commented which embarrassed Khushi. She hid her face behind Arnav because of the comments youngsters were making. Arnav glared Nk with a 'I will see you later' look.

Soon after Anjali, Payal too declared her pregnancy. Gupta came in full force with load of sweets and gift for their daughter.

Buaji found that to be a perfect opportunity to taunt Khushi as both being married on the same day and Payal being pregnant. But much to everyone's surprise Payal shut her up and said She is expected to behave properly in her sasural. Khushi took Guptas to a side, She didn't want to spoil Payal's happiness with bitterness .

"Buaji I always heard whatever you said to me in the past doesn't mean I will tolerate it anymore." Khushi warned.

"What will you do Khushi .Will you again send a legal notice to us? Buaji mocked

" ..That is an old fashion now. What do you think about going directly to jail on child abuse, trying to forcefully marry a girl not of legal age, Thieving her money. What do you think about that? Arnav stood holding his wife by waste.

"Arnav bitwa" Shasi called ,his voice filled with horror. He know p in any more provocation from his jiji,she will end up in jail.

"Ask her to keep her mouth shut if she doesn't want to end up in jail uncle. Khushi may keep silent but I won't. You know Ram uncle and Shravan too is looking for an opportunity .With their help I can easily prove them and make sure you live the rest of her life in jail."Arnav said with a smrik.

"Please don't do anything like that bitwa. I will make sure jiji won't repeat this" Garima and Sasi assured.

"Leave it Arnavji. I am too used to all these now. It stopped bothering me now. I have you, our family ,Chachaji and family, Shreya's family. Now all that matter to me is you all. I will continue to do my duty but I won't expect anything from you all from now onwards. You promised me last time to be there for me but you again forgot to keep the promise." Khushi said with a sad smile

"Khushi bitiya ,It's not like that..Jiji....Please bitiya. You too are my daughter" Sasi tried to which Khushi Chuckled.

"Uncle I don't want to be rash but I won't tolerate this anymore. So I don't want your sister to come to Shanthivan again. I won't stop Payal from meeting her but this lady is no more welcome in my home. I am fed up with her creating a scene and trying to degrade Khushi whenever she visit here. I can tell this in front of my family too but it will be difficult for Payal to face the family after wards. Owing to her pregnancy I don't want anything that causes her sadness. So take it as a request or an order but I don't want to see her in my home anymore." Arnav said with finality to which Shashi and Garima nodded. Buaji was protesting and saying many things like it was her damadi's house too and all but Sasi asked her shut up if she didn't want to end up in jail. They quickly left to their home in Lakshmi Nagar fearing Arnav's threat.

Months passed by. Anjali delivered a baby boy last month .It was a working day and Khushi, Akash, Nk and Shreya was waiting for Arnav to join them for Lunch. Shreya too joined AR's PR team recently. They use to have lunch together whenever possible. Soon Arnav too joined them

"So what's the discussion ?"Arnav asked taking his chair after placing a kiss on Khushi's head while she was arranging the plates.

"Akki was complaining about Payal bhabhi's possessiveness. He gets a call every hour when he is in office" Nk shrugged

"That is not possessiveness Nk bhai. She misses him .It's her pregnancy hormones." Khushi said giving a light smack on Nk's head

"Really bhabhi. Almost my every meetings and conference is attended by bhai leaving me to spend time with her. Then when did she even gets time to miss me? What will I do sitting in home seeing her knitting ,eating and sleeping. That's the only thing she does now a days. "

"Yah... at least he could blame it on her pregnancy but what will you say about your friend's actions?" Nk complained

"What did she do? " Asked Arnav

"You know nannav ,last week I took her for a dinner date, you remember. Do you know what she did. She emptied a bowl of curry on my head just because I said the girl sitting at the table next to us is sexy "Which made everyone laugh. 'you deserves it'. Arnav commented. 'You are lucky nannav, my Khushi bhabhi is so calm unless this girl (pointing Shreya).Arnav averted his eye and thought in his mind 'Only if you know'. He thought of the day they went to Mumbai for a meeting. Arnav met one of his collage friend who had a huge crush on him at a restaurant. She hugged him and kissed him in his cheek because of the excitement of seeing him after years. Khushi didn't said anything or created any scene there but once they reached their apartment and he went to freshen up she locked him in the bathroom for 2 hours. When she unlocked the door Arnav wanted a revenge .Khushi ran around the room. When he caught hold of her ,she started thrashing her legs which accidently hit him somewhere so precious.

"Don't you want children woman. Who hits there" He was still in pain. He was still holding the area where it paind when Aman connected him for a video conference. Arnav in between tending his pain didn't realize Khushi accepted the conference call giggling. And with his 'ohh...haa..holding his jewel ' all together gave a different idea to the others attending the meeting. It was clearing of a throat made him realize the damage. All through the meeting Arnav received naughty Smile and Aman went overboard saying they will wait few minutes till he tends his needs which he stopped when he got a glare from ASR.

Arnav shook his head. They were having lunch pulling each other's leg when Akash received a call from Mami asking them to come to Hospital immediately with others as they are taking Payal to hospital due to labor pain.

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