Part 12

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Weeks passed. Khushi was excellent in her work and she with her bubbly personality made friends in office. She could easily mingle with everyone that even the peon and security were her friends. she takes their name with so much love and respect that they started calling her bitiya instead of madam. She was quiet happy in AR . Arnav use to watch her from his cabin , a new habit he developed recently. She was a woman he could ever ask for .she took care of him and his family.she was understanding , intelligent, ethical, credible, calm above all beautiful and graceful.

But Arnav was not happy with the way his married life was going. It pricked his eyes to see his wife without the marriage signs adorning her. Once he overheard Payal ask Khushi about the same. Khushi just asked Payal how will she answer the questions about her husband if any of her colleges asked. She said she cannot lie every time somebody ask about her husband or it's better  not to wear the mugalsuthra or sindoor than wearing them and lying about a relationship every time and more over it's a sign of a marriage so the society could acknowledge her as a married women that she is but what is the use of that when her husband himself doesn't want that.

That was the day he realized the damage he caused to their relationship. He himself made Khushi think he doesn't want to acknowledge their marriage when all he want was to happily say anybody that he is married to this beautiful girl .He could have done things differently. He could have arranged  her security soon.If only he didn't get carried away with his work . When he agreed for the marriage for his Nani's sake he never thought of a day like this. He never thought a life where somebody makes him happy, someone prioritize his needs, someone who takes care of his wishes even without voicing it .When he agreed to marry Natasha he didn't had any expectation. She's was someone who had her own independent life .she was all about social status, her costly shopping spree,her wardrobe and above all She was an expert in faking. She could appreciate  someone and the next instant away from their ear short she could badmouth them without an ounce of he never had any hope from that relationship .It was more like an arrangement of convince. But when Khushi entered the picture he started craving for more. He wanted her attention, her care, her friendship .He doesn't know when he started craving for more ,maybe when he saw Khushi's care for him and his family or when she and Akash bonded like long lost friends or when he realized Khushi molding herself to fit their family.

 Arnav took every opportunity to spend time with Khushi which was scares due to interference of his sister. They sit at their pool side and discuss about work or simply chat about their previous experience or life before marriage. He eagerly started looking up for the time they could spend together. With Khushi ,he doesn't needed any pretense or mask of ASR. Not that he didn't mask his emotions but Khushi has a skill to bring all his emotions out. They have formed a kind of friendship .If he is tensed about work she will sit with him and help him to sort it out .He doesn't had to worry about his diabetics any more. She made sure to talk to one of her friend who is nutritionist and prepared his food according to her instruction .He no more had boring toast for breakfast.

Khushi jelled well with every Raizada including the servants expect Anjali. Anjali always tried to invade Arnav's maximum time at home Sometimes recollecting his childhood, complaining about Shyam and his Family or discussing about her Pooja to interfere them.

Khushi has tried to build a bond with Anjali,but her every attempt ended in Anjali insulting her or giving a sarcastic remark about her. Anjali has accused her of using Raizada name for professional benefit, sometimes indirectly taunting her as buy one get one free offer pack, how people should learn from Khushi to grab opportunities both infront of her family and away from their ear short. Payal always tried to reassure her everything will be fine even when she too was getting irritated with Anjali's behavior. Khushi was so used to her Buaji's taunts and Garima's manipulations that Anjali added to the list. She expected Raizada elders or her husband to stop Anjali but it never happened. Sometime Naniji will call her name or her husband will quickly interfere to stop her from carrying forward but never anyone tried to correct her or they reproached her. Other than Anjali everything was pretty smooth. She was happy with her professional side and in home too .No one other than Anjali behaved badly with her.

Her Husband was a different case .she has seen his angry avathar within two days of joining AR and to say it was pretty much scary won't be exaggerating. She has also seen him shouting at Nani when she compelled him to attend a Pooja or try to drag him in to some of the society functions. Hari Prakash was a constant victim to his anger.she was happy that she till now didn't get to face that.



Thank you all for your support till date. Hope you all  will continue to encourage me.

Some of you think Khushi is taking all the craps but Khushi won't be a damsel in distress. She will bounce back .But as I have mentioned earlier she doesn't expect much from this relationship .There will be Anjali's interference in his life in some more chapters but that will help them to bond better and understand each other better. Arnav has his own reasons for hiding this marriage which will be revealed later. More characters will be introduced in upcoming updates.

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