Date: Peter

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   You were sitting on your bed, reading, minding your own business, when all of a sudden there was rapid fire knocking on your door. You stumble off your bed and over to the door, trying to answer is as quickly as possible. You opened the door and saw Peter holding a basket of clothes and looking some what worried.
   "What?" You asked as you stepped aside to let Peter into your room.
   "I have a date and I don't know what to wear!" You couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. In the time you've known Peter you had acquired a small crush on him, but you were willing to take this date as a sign to STOP NOW BEFORE YOU GET INFATUATED!!! It's the best way to save yourself from heart break.
   "Ok, what kind of date is it?" You took the basket of clothes and dumped it across your bed so you could see what your options were.
   "7:30 movie." He answered quickly as he stood next to you to look at the clothes. You looked at the clock on your desk. It was currently 7:03. You let out a grumble of dismay.
   "You come to me at 7:03 for fashion advice for a 7:30 movie!" You shouted. Peter nodded.
   "And the best part about this plan it that I haven't asked her on the date yet!" Peter smiled down at you as you gave him a look of stunned horror.
   "No, that's the worst part of this plan. This is a horrible plan! Is there a good part to this plan?" You said with worry laced through your voice.
   "Coming to you for fashion advice on a time crunch?" Peter guessed.
   "Ya, well that's the only good part of this plan." you mumbled as you picked up a shirt and looked at it. It said 'Meet The Beatles!" And it had a picture of their first album cover on it. "Here, The Beatles are classy and romantic so it's a subtle way of of saying 'I like you!' without actually saying it." You handed him the shirt. Now it was time for the hard part, pants.
   You had four choices, blue jeans which had been worn a total of two times, that he hated. Grey jeans that had once been black, but turned grey after a tie-dye project gone wrong. A new pair of black jeans that haven't been worn yet. Or the old beat up pair of black jeans that he was wearing already. Now when you look at the options you think 'oh! The blue jeans are a no go and so are the ones he's wearing. We now have two options!' But that's not the case. The blue jeans are still out, that part we know, and so are the grey jeans. The grey jeans are prone to stains and we don't want to have a visible stain on our pants. Now you are left with two options, black or black. The new black pants would be an obvious choice, but Peter hasn't asked her out yet, so he still has room for rejection, and the last thing you want is to be in noticeably nicer clothes when you get rejected. So the beat up black jeans it is! This is the magic of process of elimination.
   "Whatchya thinkin'?" Peter asked "I was thinking maybe the grey ones?" He reached for them, but you quickly grabbed his wrist.
"Keep the pants that you have on, very little can go wrong with those pants." You said in a confident tone. He smirked at you in agreement.
   He changed his shirt and looked to you for approval.
   "I feel like something's missing." He turned and looked in your full body mirror. "Don't you?"
   "Hmm, something is missing." You agreed with him. You thought for a moment then got an idea.
   You walked over to your nightstand and opened the first drawer. You pulled out your favorite pair of aviator sunglasses. The speedster had already made it to your side before you could walk over to him. You looked up at him and placed the sunglasses on his head.
   "But these are your favorite." Peter said taking them off of his head and handing them back to you.
   "They are, but you need to look complete and these complete the look." You took they from Peter and put them back on his head. You smiled then looked at the time. "Jeez, it's 7:15! Oh, and you need to ask her out still!"
   You turned Peter around and pushed him out of your room. "Go have fun, be safe, and don't spoil the movie for me when you get back!" And with that you shut the door with Peter on the other side of it.
   You plopped on your bed on top of Peter's clothes, when it occurred to you that you didn't know who Peter was going to ask out.
   There was a knock on your door. You got up and answered it, only to see Peter holding two movie tickets.
   "I have two movie tickets for the 7:30 showing of Dirty Dancing. Do you want to go on a date with me?" You smiled widely and nodded your head. "Really?!"
   "Ye- wait, no! I spent all this time getting you ready, and now I don't have time to get ready myself." You crossed your arms over your chest. Peter frowned slightly and walked past you into your room and went straight to your closet. He pulled out a shirt and handed it to you.
   "Here, it's Beastie Boys and they say 'I got this' without actually saying it. And keep the shorts you have on, it's summer and very little can go wrong with those shorts." You took the shirt from him and kicked him out of your room so you could change.
   After you pulled on the shirt and your favorite shoes, you looked at yourself in the mirror and thought "I'm going out with Peter Maximoff!" You did a little happy dance then quickly composed yourself and walked out the door so you could go on your date.

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