Voice: Logan

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Powers: same as Logan.
Backstory: you were experiment W, the one before Logan. The mansion has you now, but you are afraid to talk. You say some things, but if it can be avoided you don't talk. (Experiment Wolverine! Maybe... I don't know, I'm tired)

You sat in the chair on the other side of the desk from Charles in his office, while you listened to a phone call he was on.
"Yes, hello Logan." You heard muffled yelling on the other end of the line. "Yes, I understand it's late, but I have someone here who I need you to pick up in the morning." There was another muffled sentence spoken. "No, it isn't a teenage boy." There was a longer pause for the muffled voice. "Well, I need you two to live together in the woods. She doesn't like to talk and it's too loud for her here. She had to endure the same experiments as you did, so your the only one who can understand her without explanation." More muffle. "I don't care if you don't want to do it, you're going to anyway!"
You slouched in your chair. You didn't want to live with a man who didn't want you there and yelled about it being 9:30 in the evening. Why couldn't you have your own cabin in the woods? All to yourself, where you didn't have to talk to anyone. That sounded much better than this Logan character.
You were brought out of your thoughts when Charles asked you a question.
"What are your powers?" On the other line you heard a quiet 'you didn't ask before?!'
You lifted up one hand, made a fist and released your Adamantium claws. You cut the back of your other hand with one of your claws, then held it up so Charles could watch the wound heal before it got the chance to bleed. Charles nodded then went back to his phone call. "Same as yours." There was an audible 'really?' on the other end. "Yes, identical." There was more muffled words being said then Charles' face lit up. "Thank you Logan! You two will have a blast together!" Then he hung up. Charles looked at you happily. "Logan will be here for you in the morning! I'm so glad I had you pack three days before I called!"
You nodded then stood up and headed for bed, but you stopped in the doorway. You bit your lip and took a deep breath in.
"Goodnight Charles, thank you for helping me." You looked back at him. He was smiling brightly.
"My dear girl, you just made my day!" You smirked and walked out the door.

~time skip brought to you by Erik's cape supplier~

You stood on the porch next to Charles waiting for Logan to arrive. After 15 minutes of waiting you set your suitcase down and sat on it. You looked at Charles as to say 'what's going on?'
   "I suppose I should've given him a time to be here. Saying 'pick her up in the morning' was quite vague." You gave him a 'ya think?' look just as an old beat up pick up truck pulled into the circular driveway.
   The breaks squeaked to a halt and the engine shut off, allowing the driver to step out. What you saw as he appeared was a man with a funky hairdo, sunglasses, a tank top, jeans, and a leather jacket. He walked up to the both of you and took off his sunglasses. He looked at you then to Charles.
   "So, this the one who's gunna be livin' with me?" You nodded, stood up and pick up your suitcase. Logan looked at your suitcase. "Where's the rest of your stuff?" You looked at your luggage in embarrassment.
   "This is all I have." Charles was taken back at your sudden word burst and Logan scratched the back of his neck trying to think of something to say to make this better.
   "No shame in traveling light." You looked up at him and nodded then continued your way down the stairs.
   You hopped in the passenger seat and Logan got in the driver's. You both shut your doors at the same time and started your journey to Logan's cabin in the woods.
You both sat in silence together for about 45 minutes before Logan decided to speak up.
"You already know my name, but what's yours?" He glanced at you then back to the road. You let out a breath of air.
"Y/n." Logan nodded slightly.
"That's a nice name. Now, how old are ya?" You were afraid of this question. Your age was embarrassing in your opinion. You stayed silent for a while and to much of your surprise, Logan started to guess. "29, 30, 32?" He looked at you again and you shook your head. "37? 40?!" You shook your head again as a smile formed on your face. You thought this game was funny.
"I'm 187." Logan looked at you with a smirk.
"I still hold the record of the oldest. I'm 189." You grinned at his statement.
"Are you serious?" Logan chuckled at your question.
"We have the same powers, that must mean we age the same too." You let out a little 'huh' noise and looked out the window. Maybe living with Logan wouldn't be so bad.

A/n: do you want a part 2? If you do, please tell me in the comments. Have a wonderful day/evening!

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