Rocks: Warren

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Warren has his feathery wings. No metal on his back.

Warren walked into Kurt's room unannounced and flopped pathetically on the floor, landing on the hard wood with a thud. Warren closed the door with his foot then continued to wallow in self pity.
   "Vut is wrong, Varren?" Kurt asked as he looked at Warren over the foot of his bed.
   "I want to ask Y/n out, but I don't know how." Warren wined as he flipped onto his stomach so he was being covered with his giant white wings.
   "Just follow your instincts, people love acts zat come from ze heart." Kurt got off his bed and sat on the floor next to Warren. Warren groaned and turned his head to face Kurt.
   "My instincts are telling me to give her a pretty rock, she doesn't want a pretty rock!" Warren knocked his forehead on the floor.
   "Who's to say she doesn't vant a pretty rock? She collected small zings, I know because she gives ze zings that remind her of her friends to zem." Kurt pat Warren's shoulder. "Don't vorry."
   "So I give her a rock that she'll end up giving to someone else? That's a great idea." Warren said sarcastically.
"No, she'll keep it for herself. She likes giving zings, but she loves receiving zem as vell." Warren stayed quiet for a moment. Then he flipped over and sat up.
"I don't think she likes me. I haven't gotten any of those little things you're talking about." Warren began to worry.
"Your relationship isn't based on veather or not she gets you a gift, it's based on vut she zinks of you and how you boz interact vith each ozer." Kurt gave Warren a reassuring smile. "Don't vorry." Kurt repeated. Warren stood up and walked to the door.
"I guess I have some rocks to find." Warren sighed and walked out.

~le time skip~

You were sitting on your window sill with your legs swinging back and forth, gently hitting the brick wall outside, just enjoying the nice summer evening. Your room was at the height of the oak tree that was outside it. Jubilee and Jean knew not to surprise you when you were sitting on the window sill, on the account they did that and you fell out and Jean had to use her powers to catch you. You wouldn't have gotten hurt, chances were you would've landed on your feet or caught yourself on a tree branch, but it still scared everyone when you fell out.
After Warren moved into the school he'd sit in the tree and visit with you, but lately he had been distant and when he did talk to you he'd get nervous, sweaty, and blushy. But the problem with Warren and blushing was that he was a full body blusher, he also went shirtless just about everywhere, so there was no hiding when he was blushing.
It had been a month since you had one of your tree top talks and you were hoping that if you sat on your window sill, he would somehow get the feeling that you were waiting for him and he would come sit in the tree and talk. In all honesty you missed Warren, but if he didn't miss you, you would just tough it out and talk with Jubilee.
Just as you tucked your legs in so you could go inside you heard loud flaps, then the rustle of tree leaves. You turned back around and saw Warren standing on a tree branch, you were happy at first, but then you felt angry and hurt.
"I hope you have a good reason for ghosting me for a month!" You shouted as he sat down on a branch. He blushed, chest up and looked at you with wide eyes.
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I've been busy." He scooted to the end of the branch. You scoffed and crossed your arms.
"Right, busy talking with Kurt. Don't think I haven't noticed. Just because you avoid me doesn't mean I can't see you pass by in the hallways!"
"No, it's not like that! It's just... I wanted to get you something, but the only thing Kurt would say was get you something that my instincts told me to get, but the only thing my instincts told me to get you was a pretty rock. I'm sorry." Warren explained in one breath. He looked away from you. "I'm sorry." You shut your mouth and looked to your left.
"I accept your apology, but don't do that again. It may not have hurt you, but it hurt me." You said quietly.
"That was never my intention. My intention was to find you a rock as pretty as you." He smiled at you. You rested your head on the frame of the window and smiled slightly.
"Did you find one?" You raised an eyebrow. Warren reached into his pocket and pulled out a 5 inch crystal that was (your favorite color). Your eyes widened as you sat straight up and leaned closer to look at it.
   "I think I came close. Man, this sucker was hard to find. After my classes I would go out and fly around and look for a rock. I scavenged the entirety of New York," he held up the rock "and found this in New Jersey."
   "I thought you were just gunna give me one of those 50 cent rocks that you get in gift shops!" You leaned away from him. "I now understand why it took a month to find a rock." Warren looked at you sympathetically.
"I would never purposefully miss our tree top talks, I was just being... a ... bird brain." Warren cringed at his own insult. You laughed a little bit.
"Ok, you got me a pretty rock, but why?" Warren blushed again and looked away.
"I wanted to askyououtonadate." Warren glanced at you for an answer, but you were trying to decipher what he had said.
"You wanted to ask me out on a date?" You repeated to see if you had it right. Warren nodded in return. "That's good, because I wanted to go on a date with you as well."

A/n: Did you like it? Don't ever settle for someone who ghosts you, unless they were out looking for a pretty rock for you. Hope you have a wonderful day/evening!

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