Dinner: Uncle Peter

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You are aunt Y/n in this and it will be with Wanda, Vision, and the twins.

   You were visiting your sister in law and her family for the weekend. As of now, you were having a conversation with Vision, Wanda and the twins were having a nerf war, and your husband was in the kitchen doing lord knows what. The time was 4:15 and all was well.
   After a while you and Vision moved on to a puzzle, you were quite fond of moving slower when you got to visit your brother in law. Wanda and the twins were in the back yard on the trampoline and your husband was in the kitchen yelping about something boiling over, but after a minute he got everything fixed. The time was 4:45 and all was fixed and well.
   You and Vision finished the puzzle and changed the activity to yoga. Wanda and the twins were playing video games and your husband was in the kitchen.
   "DINNER'S READY!!" He yelled from the kitchen. The time was 5:30 and dinner was ready.
   "We'll be there in a sec Peter!" You called back. You and Vision rolled up the yoga mats and turned the instructor on the tv off and walked to the dining room. In the center of the table was a big bowl of fettuccine Alfredo.
   "It looks great Peter! I wish I could eat it." Vision said with an encouraging smile. You three sat down and made small conversation while you waited for the other three to join you.
   Six minutes passed and still no Wanda and twins. Vision got up. "I'll go tell them, they might not have heard." Vision gave Peter a reassuring hand wave and walked up the stairs to tell the three 'gamers' that they were late to dinner. After a few minutes Vision came back. "They said that they would be down right after they finish their level."
   You reached for Peter's hand and he happily gave it to you to hold.
   Another 6 minutes passed and still no Wanda or twins. Peter had his head rested with cheek on the table and his grip on your hand tightened. He let out a sad sigh.
   "The level is taking longer than I would've expected." He looked at the fettuccine on the table. "Maybe we should eat without them?" You looked at your depressed husband and then to the red man that sat across from you.
   "Vision, what game did they say they were playing?" Vision thought for a moment.
   "Minecraft." Peter seemed to get even more soggy than he already looked. You let go of his hand and stood up and marched up the stairs.
   You busted through Wanda's bedroom door to see the three of them sitting on the bed with controllers in hand. Tommy glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.
   "Hey aunt Y/n! Wanna play with us?" You scoffed.
   "No, I want you to come downstairs and eat dinner. Now!" You let your annoyance show in your voice. Wanda rolled her eyes.
   "Pfft, don't be such a buzz kill. Peter made it right? It probably won't be any good." You stomped over to them and grabbed Wanda's ear and pulled her off the bed. The boys followed closely behind. "Ow ow ow ow! Slow down!"
   "No! You're gunna keep up!" You pulled her by the ear all the way down the stairs with the boys following. You 4 made it to the table and you pushed Wanda towards it. "You are going to eat, and you're going to like it!!" Wanda held her ear and sat down next to Vision and the twins sat between you and Wanda.
   Peter perked up and started to serve people their fettuccine. "Vision, for further reference, Minecraft doesn't have levels."

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