Dent In Your Jaunty Helmet: Erik

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Before anyone, who has read my other book, panics, this is a rewrite! I wrote this in my first book and liked the plot enough to rewrite it in a less cringe way.

Powers: You know every type of fighting technique and can execute it almost perfectly on the first try. 

   Charles had called the lot of you out of the mansion and into the yard for a 'new and exciting way of training!' or at least that's what he told you. You were pretty sure he was tired of the 6 of you going off and doing your own thing, and made an excuse to have X-Men bonding time.

   "What are we doing here, Charles?" Raven asked in a tired tone. It was relatively early in the morning on a Saturday. 8:34 to be precise, much too early in the morning for anyone to deal with a snooty British man, let alone, Charles.

   "Sparring practice! Doesn't that sound like fun?!" Charles gave a big smile.

   There was a collective "No" given by the group that wiped the grin off his face. You rubbed the bridge of your nose and sighed.

   "No one wants to be awake this early on a Saturday and have to deal with your shenanigans." You looked Charles dead in the eye with a glare that could kill, but the glare was returned with the same attitude given.

   "Let's make a deal then. If you can beat Erik, the whole of you can go back to bed. If you can't, you all stay up with me and do what I tell you." If? IF?! This snob has the audacity to wake you up, drag you outside in the cold fall morning (with the addition of getting your socks wet from the morning dew), then challenge the fact that you indeed could beat Erik in anything other then a can crushing contest! Your bad mood worsened and everyone on your side of the argument took a step away and huddled in a bunch on the sidelines away from danger.


   Charles joined the rest and Erik stood in front of you about 7 yards away.  He put his helmet on, stuck his arms out, and started to float. You stood planted on the ground with your arms crossed waiting for Erik to distract himself with the sound of his own voice.

   "I would like you to know that, even though I would like to go back to bed, I'm not going easy on you to let you win. I intend on keeping my honor pristine." He continued to jabber on as you picked up a rock and threw it at him.

   It hit his helmet with such force that it twisted to the side so one of his eyes was covered, and a dent put a deposit down to live on his head's real estate. He lowered his place in the air and you ran behind him. You untied his shoes then took a lace form each and tied them together in a tight knot. You yanked on his legs, forcing him to land, then ran out in front of him to reveal yourself. He stepped forward and landed on the ground in a face plant of utter humiliation.

   You sauntered up to the face down body and took the helmet off of him.  After observing the red dome of pretentious self greatness, you found the dent and popped it out to the best of your ability, leaving only a crinkle in the finish and a scuff in the paint. You set it in front of his head and patted his back.

   "Now you can go back to bed, Erik." You turned your attention to Charles, who was looking rather pale and sweaty. You gave him a devilish sneer. "I expect a three page apology letter explaining where and when you should use the word 'if' and why you should gamble with your own powers before I wake up." You started your way back to the mansion before you heard a question from Charles.

   "When are you going to wake up?"

   "You're going to have to wait and find out. An undetermined deadline will really get your heart rate going!"

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