Quiet Thoughts: Charles

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Italics= thoughts

There were good days and there were bad days. Tonight the voices were extremely loud so Charles did what he always did when he couldn't sleep, he went to you. Your powers didn't fix or quiet any of the voices, but when it was late your thoughts were quiet and calm. You were also his girlfriend, so it was kinda in your job description to help him out.
Charles wheeled down the hallway to your room. He stopped in front of your door then silently pushed it open, only to see you sleeping like an angel. Well in his opinion you looked like an angel. In all actuality you were tangled up in the blankets, while still somehow being spread out like a starfish, and had drool running down your face.
   He rolled over to your bed and gently brushed his hand over your face. Your eyes snapped open and you roughly grabbed his wrist which earned you a British yelp.
"Love, it's me, it's Charles!" You looked up at your assailant and let go of his wrist.
"Oh, sorry hun. You scared me." You rubbed your eyes and yawned. "Can't sleep?" Charles nodded. You scooted over to the other side of the bed then patted the empty space. He hoisted himself onto your bed and laid on his back. You laid on your side, so you could face him, and held his hand.
"Think for me please." Charles looked at you then exhaled and closed his eyes. You could feel him focus on you, so you closed your eyes and concentrated on thinking.
"What to think about? Ok, so, what...OH! What am I gunna do tomorrow? I could monitor the halls; make sure Peter doesn't run. I could help Jubilee organize her closet, but knowing her it'll be done already. I could try something new?
I could make bread! Everyone likes bread. Except for gluten intolerant people, then bread hurts them. But we don't have any gluten intolerant students do we? No, we have bread at like every dinner. If I'm making bread for our dinner, then how many loaves am I gunna need to make? I could just make one and hide it, but Peter would find it. Hmmmmmm... I could hide it in here... but mice. But the mansion doesn't have a history of mice, but still... mice.
Ok so, no bread. I'll just go grocery shopping with Hank. He needs all the help he can get.
Why are my thoughts about food? Oh right, food is life. Well, food among other things." You felt Charles' grip on your had loosen so you opened your eyes to look at him. He had fallen asleep and his hair had fallen over his face. You gently pushed the hair back and looked at him. "Cute. Oh, how I love this British man of mine." A small smile formed on his face after you thought this.
   You snuggled closer to him then closed your eyes so you could sleep as well.

A/n: I know this is way shorter than my other ones, but I thought it was cute. I hope you liked it. Have a wonderful day/evening! 😊

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