Voice pt.2: Logan

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This one isn't about the reader and her voice, but it was easier just to have the same title.

Powers: Same as Logan's.

You had been living with Logan for a few months now. What was once early spring was now tapering off into fall and the forest's lively greens were turning into calming reds and browns. The weather was getting crisper, and in your state of coldness, you had raided Logan's closet for his flannels.
In one of said flannels, you were nestled in your blankets enjoying the warm sleep you were getting. Nothing could have interrupted this kind of peace and tranquility. Except for Logan, he could interrupt it quite easily.
You woke up to the sound of angry grunts and yells that were coming from outside the cabin. This, believe it or not, was not a regular occurrence. Logan often got up before you and would make breakfast, then come into your room and gently wake you up. He was very nice to you and treated you like a Queen and had completely obliterated your first impression of him when he was on the phone with Charles.

You got out of bed and stretched while shuffling out into the living room. Even though the yells weren't regular, they didn't alarm you. If there were any real danger, Logan would have gotten you up, and even if it was somewhat dangerous, you could protect yourself very easily.
You made yourself some (tea, coffee, hot chocolate. Something you like to drink in the morning) and grabbed an orange. You moseyed to the door and slipped on a pair of Logan's boots that were sitting near. When you opened the door, what you were expecting was a bear or moose. Something big, and hard to get rid of. What you weren't expecting was a deer.
In front of the cabin that you and Logan shared, was a singular deer that was battling Logan, and from the looks of it, it was winning. You sat cross legged on the porch and quietly watched the rural version of street fighter while sipping your drink. This was truly an odd sight to behold. One of the highlights of the fight was that Logan would yell at the deer and the deer would yell right back. Except, the deer's yell was more of a honky screech sounding thing.
The honky screech startled Logan and made him fall back onto his rump. You let out a soft chuckle that didn't go unnoticed by the quite put out wolverine that was sitting on the forest floor. He glanced over at you and huffed out his nose.
"Well, I was trying not to wake you." The deer pranced in its spot waiting for Logan to stand back up.
"You were doing a poor job at it." You took a slurp of your drink, making sure it was audible so you could seem snooty. Logan turned his head fully, then tilted his head to the side.
"I'm sorry, your majesty." Logan stood up, ignoring the deer that was getting ready to fight again, and sat down on the porch step next to you. The deer let out an unsatisfied huff, clearly wanting to continue their little rumble. Logan glanced and the deer then put his arm around you. "Francis, our fight is over. Go home."
   You looked up at Logan in confusion. Who was Francis and where was his home? Wait, Logan said that the fight was over, was Francis the deer?
   Logan looked down at you and saw the confuzzlment (confusion) on your face. He cleared his throat and pointed at the deer.
   "Y/n, this is Francis... the deer. Francis, this is Y/n, the mutant. Now we're all friends." Logan put an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side then smiled an overly friendly smile at Francis the deer. "Now, Francis, go home."
   Francis trotted up to you, looked you dead in the eye, then slowly breathed out onto your face, causing you to close your eyes and scrunch up your nose. He then stuck his mouth into your mug, sloshing some of the liquid onto your lap while guzzling the rest of the contents of the drink. When he was done he made intimidating eye contact with you again and burped in your face. Finally, he picked up the orange that was sitting beside you and trotted off into the forest.
   "Logan, I don't think Francis likes me."
   "Ya? Well, I don't think he likes me either."

A/n: I have started other imagine books, so I'll be taking a break from this one so I can work on the other ones. Hope you don't mind! This isn't really romantic, but I left the relationship status open so you can decide what it was.
Have a wonderful day/ evening 💙

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