Frosted Tips: Scott

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   You put your hand on the back of Scott's neck and harshly pushed his head into the sink. You squeezed a glob of shampoo on the back of his head then angrily worked it into a lather.
   "Why are you being so rough?!" Scott's voice bounced around the walls of the sink.
   "Because you came to me at 11:50 pm demanding that you had frosted tips right now!" You flicked the faucet on and rinsed the shampoo out of his hair. Then you grabbed onto his frosted locks and yanked his head out of the sink. You snatched a towel off the rack on the wall and aggressively towel dried Scott's head. "There, your tips are frosted. Now leave me alone!" You stomped out of the bathroom as you dried your hands on your shirt.
   Scott took his glasses off the counter, put them on and looked in the mirror. A smile grew on his face at the sight of the off brand surfer dude hair that he now had. The abrupt brown to blond change did not look good, but Scott having the desperate need to be cool thought that the very uncool frosted tips were what they weren't. They weren't cool, but he thought they were. That's the long and the short of it.

~time skip brought to you by magneto's temper tantrums~

You got a running start, leading with your shoulder, and tackled Warren through the door of Jean's room. Warren's wings had gotten stuck in the doorway with you on the outside and everyone on the inside, so you had to push while the X-Gang pulled.
The X-Gang consisted of Peter, Jubilee, Kurt, Warren, Scott, Jean, and yourself. Scott had called an emergency meeting at about 3:30 in the afternoon, two weeks after the tips were frosted.
You peeled your face off of Warren's bare back and looked up at the X-Gang. Warren peeled his face off the floor and did the same.
"We're here now, start the meeting." Warren said in a curious tone. You pushed yourself onto your feet then helped Warren up.
"Ok dudes, I went shopping." Scott sat on Jean's bed with two bags next to him.
"Since when are we 'dudes'?" Peter asked with quotations around dudes.
"Since I became SS Fun Times. Now shut up, I have things to show you dudes." He reached into the first bag and pulled out a puka shell necklace.
   "No one calls you SS Fun Times." Jubilee mumbled as she looked at the necklace. Scott had insisted that the gang call him that the day after he got frosted tips.
   "I'm gunna wear these every day starting now." Scott pulled the necklace over his head then tightened the shells to his neck. The next thing in the bag was a shirt that was white that said 'hang 10' in blue.
   "This is for the weekends." Scott smiled and nodded until the gang nodded with him. The last thing in the first bag were red shorts with white Hawaiian flowers on them. You looked at the shorts and cleared your throat.
"Scott, it's March." He looked at you.
"Ya?" He raised his eyebrows.
"In New York... it's March in New York! It's too cold for shorts!" You gestured to the pants that were in Scott's hand. He put the shorts and shirt back into the bag.
   "It won't be too cold later in the year, Mistress Buzz Kill." He stuck his tongue out at you.
   "Fine SS Fun Times." You said in a sarcastic tone. "What's in bag number two?" Scott's face dropped and shoved the paper bag behind him. The gang looked at each other with quizzical looks.
   "Scott, vut's in ze bag? Vut did you get?" Kurt reached for the mystery item behind Scott, only to be pushed away from it, but Jubilee came up behind Scott and swiped the bag from him. She looked inside and gasped.
   "What? Is it playboy? What is so surprising?" Jean walked closer to Jubilee.
   "No, it's worse." Jubilee stifled a laugh. "It's a neon orange penny board!" She pulled it out of the bag and held it up. Scott got up and tried to grab it from her. "Y/n, code short!" Code short was used when the gang wanted to hold something out of someone's reach. This was preformed by you and Warren. You would get on Warren's shoulders and whoever hand the item would toss it to you.
   You climbed onto Warren's shoulders in record time and caught the penny board. You quickly studied the board.
   "Oh my god. It has a crack in it!" You ran your hands along the wheels. "And one of the wheels doesn't turn!"
   "Wow Scott, where'd you get the board, the dumpster?" Peter asked sarcastically. You flipped the board over for further inspection.
   "No, it can't be!" You gasped mockingly. "It has the McDonald's gang on it! Look, it's Mayor McCheese!" You held the board in front of Warren's face. He smiled and added.
   "And the Hamburglar!"
   "Does it have the duck and the purple thing that no one knows the names of?" Peter asked excitedly. You directed the board in Peter's direction and a grin formed on his face. "It does!"
"What does?" Alex was standing in the doorway watching the whole debacle go down. Everyone turned around and looked at the eldest Summers. Alex took one look at his brother and laughed. "Bro, frosted tips aren't cool and you aren't a skater boy." Then he walked away, leaving everyone silently stunned.
Scott looked it the vanity mirror then to you, who was still sitting on Warren's shoulders, holding the penny board. "Uh, Y/n... could you dye my hair back to normal?" He scratched the back of his neck.
"Only if I can keep the penny board." You hugged the board to your chest.
"Yes, you can have it. Is there anything else?" Scott asked exasperated. You looked down at Warren.
"Would you like the puka shell necklace?" He nodded. You looked at Jubilee. "Would you like the shirt?" She nodded. "Peter would you like the shorts?" He nodded. "Kurt, Jean, you both have visitation rights to the board."
"Ok, you've auctioned off all of my stuff, now will you fix my hair?!"

A/n: this is one of the ones I had the most fun writing, I hope you liked it. Have a wonderful day/evening! 😝

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