Mall: Kurt

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Powers: You can BAMF like Kurt can and you have a bright blue birth mark over your eye.

Jubilee, Kurt, Scott, and Jean sat at a table in the food court with their unhealthy mall food. You were sat at the table across from them gnawing on a basket of fries. You glanced at the group when they sat down, but didn't do anything more then that. What you didn't know was that a certain blue someone took interest in you.
"Scott, look at her." Kurt leaned in and whispered to Scott.
"What about her?" Scott looked in your direction and took a bite of his food.
"She's blue, like me!" Kurt said excitedly. This drew the attention of the two girls at the table.
"Ooh, Kurt has a crush!" Jubilee pointed at Kurt.
"You think she's pretty too!" Jean exclaimed after she read Kurt's mind. Kurt gave a sheepish smile.
"You're wrong." Scott said abruptly. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
"You don't zink she's pretty?" Kurt turned to Scott with a worried look on his face.
"No, I think she's pretty, but she's not all blue, just the spot over her eye." Scott covered one of his eyes with his hand so he could imitate the blue mark.
The group's conversation was interrupted by a snarky looking pack of girl that crowded around you. The leader of the pack was holding a large milkshake in her hands.
"Hey smudge." She said in a taunting tone. "What I tell you about coming around my mall?"
"Well, last time I checked that wasn't my name and last time I checked you don't own the mall, so I'm not going to do what you tell me." You snapped back at her. She had an entitled shocked look on her face.
"You know what girls? I think smudge needs a punishment." She started to pour her milkshake onto you, but the thick liquid refused to leave the cup. You BAMFed onto the table behind them and looked down at them. The girls screamed at your sudden rearrangement. After the leader composed herself she barked orders to the two others. "Grab her legs!" The two other girls did what they were told and grabbed your legs and pulled them out from under you.
You started to fall, but before you hit the tile floor, Kurt BAMFed to the rescue and caught you. He looked up at the pack of girls coldly.
"du solltest dich schämen, du undankbare kleine Scheiße!" ("You should be ashamed, you ungrateful little shits!" In German, but I don't know how accurate it is cuz it's from google translate) the three girls ran away, claiming Kurt put a spell on them. He looked down at you. "Are you alright?"
"I am thanks to you. So...thank you!" You smiled brightly at the blue boy. "What's your name?" You pulled your heels off the table and put your feet on the floor and stood up off of Kurt.
"I'm Kurt Vagner." He stuck his three fingered hand out for you to shake. You took his hand and introduced yourself.
"I'm Y/n Y/l/n, nice to meet you."
"So your name's not smudge?" Scott asked from behind Kurt. Kurt stood up and shot Scott a glance that told him to 'shut up'. All you did was chuckle.
"Na, they're just so stupid they forgot my name, so they made one for me." You teased back. "Hey, can I sit with you guys?" You looked at Kurt for an answer.
   "Ja, go ahead." Kurt pulled out a chair for you and you sat in it. "So, zat's Scott, Jubilee, and Jean." Kurt pointed to the respective person after he said their names.
"Hello." You smiled and waved at everyone at the table. The five of you started to talk about school and friends and who the pack of snotty girls were. Before you knew it the big clock on the mall wall struck 2:00. You looked at it in a bit of a panic. "Aw geez, is that the time? My (parental unit) is gonna kill me!" You stood up and BAMFed away.
"Zat vas quick." Kurt looked down at his hands sadly. "And ve probably von't ever see her again." He slumped in his seat, but jumped five feet in the air when you BAMFed back.
You slapped a piece of paper with your number in the center of the table then bent down to the level of Kurt's face.
"Thank you for saving me, Kurt Vagner." You said his name in a fake German accent then gave him a kiss on the cheek. You BAMFed away leaving everyone sufficiently stunned.

A/n: here is the first chapter featuring everyone's favorite blue boy. Hoped you liked it. Have a wonderful day/evening.

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