Goose: Sean

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This is set in First Class, so everyone is there and can walk.

   You were a very wild soul, you would always find little adventure to go on, and find trouble to be in. You being this way worried your boyfriend, Sean, very much, but you would always convince him to join you in your Tom-foolery. Sean didn't know this, but your recklessness had mellowed out after you two started dating and if he compared the now recklessness to the then recklessness he would go into cardiac arrest.
   Today was a very warm spring day that was being spent outside. Charles and Erik were playing chess, Alex and Raven were sparring, Hank was reading, and Sean was watching you stack very old, very fat, very tame messenger pigeons that weren't being used.
   You would put two pigeons next to each other then one on top, making a pigeon pyramid. You turned to Sean and carefully placed a pigeon on each shoulder and one on his head, then leaned in and kissed his nose.
   "I'm so glad you put up with me." You said as you sat cross legged with your knees touching his. Sean tilted his head down and let the pigeon slide lazily off the top of his head, plopping gently in his hands.
   "Mhm" he hummed in response. He put the the pigeon to the side and took the birds off his shoulder and put them next to the first. "I think you're the one putting up with me. Every other girl I've asked out said no." Sean chuckled a little at what he said.
   "Do I make you happy?" You asked. This was a genuine question, most people would have left you by now. They wouldn't want to sit with you and stack pigeons. They would be fed up with your shenanigans right about now. But Sean seemed completely content with being with you, even though you've probably taken 5 minutes off his life.
   "If you didn't make me happy, I wouldn't have sat here and watched you stack pigeons for 10 minutes." You both looked at the pigeons that were sitting next to the both of you. They looked like grey blobs of melting ice cream. "That does raise the question as to why you stack pigeons?" He looked at you and you shrugged in response. Sean picked up the pigeons and stood up. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna put the pigeons away."
"Ok." You said with a smile "I'll be here." You watched as Sean walked to the side of the house until he was out of view.
   You laid back on the ground and closed your eyes, just enjoying the peaceful day. You stayed like that for about 2 minutes and then you heard a shriek come from the side of the house. Everyone in the yard turned their attention to where the yell came from and saw Sean being chased by a very large goose. Sean went to the nearest tree and climbed into it. The goose then moved to its next target who was Raven.
   "JEREMY IS BACK!" She yelled "EVERYONE IN THE TREE!" She pointed to the tree Sean was in. Before you knew it you were sitting on the same branch as Erik, hiding from a goose named Jeremy.
   "So, I take it you have bad blood with Jeremy." You said to Raven. She nodded her head and stayed quiet. You looked to Charles for more information.
   "Jeremy is a goose that comes here one week out of the year and terrorizes us. We don't know why, he just does." Charles explained. You looked under you to see if Jeremy was still circling the tree trunk. The coast was clear so you hopped out of the tree.
   "Y/n, what are you doing?! Get back in the tree!" Sean whisper shouted at you.
   "I'll be fine. I just wanna have fun with him." You casually waved Sean's warning off and walked away from the tree.
   You made it about 50 feet away from the tree before you heard an evil honk come from behind you. You whipped around and saw Jeremy 10 feet in front of you. You and the goose stood like you were in an old western movie, about to have a quick draw, for almost 20 seconds, before Jeremy charged at you. He had his head down low and his wings out stretched, honking viciously at you. You simply waited where you were standing until he got close enough to you for you to jump over him. After you jumped, Jeremy kept going for a few feet, then stopped and looked back at you with his head cocked to one side. He gave a confused honk and you gave a satisfied smirk.
   "No one's done the before, huh Jeremy?" Jeremy honked angrily at your taunt. He hunkered down and charged at you again and again you jumped over him.
The third time Jeremy ran at you, he jumped, so in return you dodged him. And the game of dodge goose commenced. Jeremy would flap and jump, and you would jump and dodge. This went on for 15 minutes before you heard Charles yell from the tree of safety.
"As much fun as we're having watching you play with a goose, we still want down! So if you could speed things along, that would be wonderful." You gave him a thumbs up and turned your attention to Jeremy. He was looking at you, waiting for an opportunity to attack, but you were standing so he knew he couldn't get you. You backed away from Jeremy and sat down.
"What are you doing!?" Sean shouted.
"Speeding things along!" You shouted back.
Jeremy waddled a foot closer to you to see if you would move. You stayed where you were, so he waddled back to his original spot and looked at you to make sure you were still there. When he knew that you were, he spread out his wings and lowered his head and sprinted at you.
You sat still, just watching the angry goose run at you while yelling from your friends could be heard in the background. Jeremy raised his head to match the height of yours. When he was only 4 inches away from your face, you leaned back then head butted him. Jeremy stumbled backwards and fell into his little goose butt.
You leaned toward him and he leaned away. This was what you wanted to happen. You had established dominance. You were at the top of the pecking order!
"Yay! It worked!" You through your arms in the air and fell back onto the ground. "You can come out of the tree now, I'm at the top of the pecking order!" You shouted at the tree.
The first person out was Sean, he ran over to you and sat on his knees next to you so he could examine you for any goose related injuries. The only thing that was wrong was a spot on your forehead from where you head butted Jeremy.

A/n: what did you think? I hoped you liked it. Sorry it was more of a Y/n than a Y/n x Sean story.

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