Organic Flirting: Alex

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Powers: you can control metal, like Erik. Not original, but in the long run the powers aren't the most important part of the story.
Set in first class.

Charles walked into the main room of the mansion where he had the mutants gathered. He claimed, the day before, that he had an important announcement to tell everyone.
"Thank you all for attending, this isn't the most crucial thing in the world, but telling all of you at once is easy. As you know, a week ago Erik sneezed so hard he broke two of our cars." Charles looked at Erik out of the corner of his eye.
"Long story short, Charles hired a mechanic." Erik said in an annoyed tone. "I already said sorry, it was an accident." Erik crossed his arms and looked away from Charles.
"Sorry doesn't fix two cars. Anyway, Y/n please come in here and meet everyone." You wondered into the room and looked at everyone, but you looked the longest on the person who was paying least attention. He was tall blonde and cute as all get out. Your concentration was broken by a voice to the left of you.
"The mechanic's a girl?" You glared at the red head who said that.
"And you're the token ginger, cute." You said venomously. You were quite tired of the stereo typical 'she's a girl?' when it came to your profession.
You glanced back to the blonde boy, only to accidentally make eye contact. He turned a shade of red and looked down at his hands.
"She really got you, Sean." He said without showing his face to the others.
"Shut up, Alex." The red head named Sean, retorted. Alex was the name of the cute one and Sean was the name of the annoying one. You made a mental note. You looked at the two in the middle.
"What are your names?" The one with the glasses stood up and nervously stuck out his hand for you to shake.
"I'm Hank McCoy." You shook his hand then looked at the girl behind him. She waved and introduced herself as Raven.
"Well, now that I know everyone, I will take my stuff and plant myself in the garage." You turned on your heel and walked to the door, but you were stopped mid step.
"Do you need any help? With your stuff I mean." You glanced over your shoulder to see the once reddened Alex look at you for an answer.
"Not really." Alex turned red again and looked at the floor.
"Of course." He shoved his hands in his pockets. You immediately regretted what you said.
"But you can if you want to! I'm not opposed!" Alex looked up at you again with a smile forming on his face. He looked to his friends.
"You heard the lady, she's not opposed." And just like that the 7 of you were outside unloading your tools from your car and carrying them to the garage.
When the group stepped into the cement room, the smell of gasoline slapped everyone across the face.
"Oh don't worry, just light a match and the smell will go away." Sean stated and he put his load of tools and car parts on the floor. You looked back at him with a look of horror.
"You cast iron skillet! It's gasoline, not a scented candle!" You put your load down and looked at the mess before you. One of the two cars was leaking gas and it would take about an hour to completely drain and another hour to evaporate. Two hours behind on one car, great.
You scanned the group behind you to see which one was holding the box you needed. Alex was the chosen one, so you walked up to him and opened the box and pulled out a pair of navy blue overalls.
Alex was not so calm about this situation, however. He had yet again turned red at your interaction with him and he had no idea why. All the other girls he thought were cute were easy to talk to without blushing. You could look at him and he'd turn into an apple. And he'd only known you for a half an hour! What was it about you that he liked so much?
"You guys can set my stuff down and leave, I don't think you'll be much help for now." Everyone set down their boxes while you put the overalls on over your clothes and started to work.
Back in the main room you were the top subject of conversation. Raven, Erik, Charles, and Hank decided that they like you. Sean was sore that you called him a cast iron skillet, even though that really isn't an insult. And Alex was sitting there quietly trying to think of the feeling he was feeling.
"What about you Alex? What do you think of her?" Raven asked. Alex's attention snapped to the group and his mind went blank.
"I-Uh- sh-she's nice." He mentality face palmed and hoped that his friends wouldn't think anything of his stuttering.
"You think she's more than nice. The thought of her makes your heart go BA DUMP BA DUMP!" Charles teased.
"You read my mind?!" Alex shouted.
"Yes, I read your mind after the second time you blushed." Charles had no shame in his statement. Alex put his face in his hands and groaned. It would've been fine if Sean knew, but the rest of them will tease relentlessly.

-time skip. It is now dinner time-

Alex was in the kitchen wearing an apron and oven mitts while preparing spaghetti and meatballs. Alex pulled the garlic bread out of the oven as you walked into the kitchen. You were covered in black grease and other substances that had leaked out of the cars.
Alex turned around to put the bread on the counter and was scared half to death when he saw you.
"JEEZ! Oh my god, you're quite!" Alex put an oven mitt covered hand over his heart. You took the hand towel that was draped over Alex's shoulder and rubbed your face on it.
"Well, when you have half a car full of grease on the bottom of your shoes you don't really walk, you kinda just slide." Alex smiled at your statement.
   "Well you slid in just at the right moment because dinner is ready!" Alex held up a big pot of spaghetti and smiled even wider. You let out a little laugh.
   "I don't think I'm fit to sit at a dining room table. I'm still pretty dirty." You looked down at yourself. Your overalls were now tie died black and not in a stylish way. You let out a small sigh.
"What, you expect me to let you eat over the sink?" A worried expression grew on Alex's face.
"No," his face relaxed as you said this. "I expect you to let me eat in the garage." You picked up a plate that was sitting on the counter. You gave him an innocent grin.
Alex mimicked the grin and started to dish up some noodles, but then snatched the plate out of your hands.
"THAT'S WORSE!!" Alex flung an oven mitt off his hand and into your face. You caught the mitt and threw it back at him.
"That's what I usually do." You shrugged and leaned against the counter. Your conversation was interrupted by Erik clearing his throat.
"The world isn't fair, two beautiful people who will have a god or goddess of a child." Erik crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.
Your face felt like it caught fire and Alex was blushing even harder than he had throughout the day. You pushed yourself off the counter, took the plate from Alex and slopped some spaghetti onto it. You sped past Alex on your way to the garage.
"Like I said, I'll eat in the garage." And you closed the door.
"Erik, she's been here a day, you can't say things like that! I can handle it, she my not!" Erik rolled his eyes and walked over to Alex.
   "Your flirting was going to make me sick. I had to do something to make you both stop!" Erik picked up a plate and put some spaghetti on it.
   "We weren't flirting!" Alex shouted. He took the apron off and threw it to the floor. He was getting ready to rumble.
   "You were, and she was. It was organic flirting, often times not acknowledged by the people doing it." Alex opened his mouth to shout at Erik again, but then saw you out of the corner of his eye.
   You looked to Erik then to Alex.
   "Sorry to interrupt, but I forgot a fork." Erik pointed to a fork on the counter. You picked it up and examined it for a moment. You let it lay flat in your hand with you hand open, then launched it at Erik, catching him by the fabric of the turtle neck and stapling him to a nearby wall. "Thank you." You said with a devilish smile, then walked out. Erik looked at Alex.
   "You didn't blush." This statement made Alex blush. 

A/n: this is gunna have to be a two parter, sorry. I will have part two out as soon as possible! I just thought it was getting a little lengthy and I didn't want you to have to read more than 2000 words in one sitting.

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