Sleep: Peter

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   You very rarely slept with Peter. He very rarely slept with you. But it was something about him not being in the mansion that was impacting your sleep and things were getting drastic. Peter had been gone 2 weeks so he could visit his mom and sister and in those 2 weeks you had gotten about 7 hours of sleep total. You stopped functioning on the forth day and all you really did was follow Charles, Hank, or Erik around the mansion.
   Today the chosen one was Hank and he was pulling an all nighter, so he told you to go back to your room and try to sleep. So you shuffled at 2 in the morning back to your room, but your journey was interrupted by Jean and Scott. Jean put her hands on your shoulders and looked you in the glazed over eyes.
   "Y/n?" You snapped back to reality (ope there goes gravity😝). You yawned and looked at Jean.
   "What are you both doing up so late?" Scott scoffed in the background.
   "We could ask you the same thing." Jean said as she let go of your shoulders. There was a moment of silence and you spaced out again. Jean took notice of this. "Hey, can I read your mind?" You nodded slightly so Jean went ahead and did so.
   "What'd you see?" Scott asked quietly.
   "Nothing. She's thinking of nothing. This is worse than I thought. Scott, take her to Peter's room and see if his smell will get her to go to sleep." Scott nodded and put his hand on your back so he could direct you to Peter's room. Jean headed in the direction of the nearest phone.
   When you walked into his room you kicked a Twinkie box and awoke from your daze. You looked down at the box then up at the rest of the room.
   "Why are we in Peter's room?" Scott walked over to the dresser and grabbed one of Peter's shirts then handed it to you.
   "You try and sleep in here. Jean and I will take care of the rest." And with that Scott left you to change and go to bed. You put on the shirt then flopped onto the bed and wrapped yourself in the covers. The smell was comforting enough to relax you, but sleep still wasn't an option so you just laid there with your eyes closed in a pitiful attempt at slumber.
Scott made his way to the kitchen phone where Jean was. He pushed the swinging door open and saw Jean staring at the green phone on the wall.
"Go wait by the door. He'll be here in like 2 seconds after I call him." Jean waved Scott off and he did as he was told and walked to the front door.
Jean picked up the receiver and dialed Peter's home phone. After the first ring the call was answered.
"Maximoff residents, Peter speaking." He sounded tired and annoyed, but if you went any longer without sleep you'd go brain dead.
"Hey Peter, it's Jean. Can you come back please? Now." Jean twirled the phone cord on her finger as she talked.
"Why, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" He sounded more urgent this time.
"In theory."
"Is Y/n alright?"
"In theory."
"What do you mean in theory!? What happened?" Peter got louder with every word.
"She can't sleep."
"Oh. That doesn't sound as bad as I thought." He quieted down.
"No, you miss understand. She can't sleep. Ever since you left she's gotten about 2 hours of sleep a night and right now she running on a total of 7 hours. And she's no longer thinking of things. Could you just come help us out?" Jean bit her lip in anticipation.
"Ya, I'll be there in a sec." Peter said from the other line.
"Great, she's in your room." Jean hung up the phone and waited for Peter to get back to the mansion. She walked out into the front room and when she got there Peter was standing next to Scott, looking quite annoyed.
   "Why didn't anyone call me sooner? You waited until she was brain dead?" He whisper shouted to both the teens. This was one of the few moments Peter acted his age. Most everyone in the mansion would forget that you and Peter were older than most of the students in the school. You both were so laid back and cool, but when something like this happened, the age facade wore off and the big bad adult came out.
   "Nearly brain dead. Still responsive, but not thinking." Jean corrected. Peter glared coldly at her and pointed.
   "Zip it. And go to bed, you two have class in the morning." Peter then stomped to his room.
   You heard thumps outside the door then the door swing open, but you didn't open your eyes. You just laid there in a tired lump.
   "If you are a demon, I must tell you that I am too tired to do anything to stop you. Take my soul and feed your hell children." Peter's annoyance melted away after hearing your exhausted voice. He sighed and leaned on the door frame.
   "Babe, we are the hell children." Your eyes snapped open and you sat up on your elbows.
   "Peter?" You sat up even more so you could get up and hug him.
   "No no, I'll come to you." In a blink Peter was in his boxers and under the covers with you with his arms around your waist. "Jean called and said you haven't been sleeping, so I came back. Why didn't you call sooner?" Peter felt you relax fully in his arms.
   "Didn't think of it-" and just like that you were fast asleep. Peter kissed your forehead then closed his eyes to go to sleep as well.
   "Love you."

A/n: hoped you liked it. I had fun writing it. Have a wonderful day/evening.

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