Sick: Erik

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Powers: you have super healing, so you can't get sick.

You and Erik had a Jack and Jill bedroom in the mansion, so you could hear when the other was in the bathroom and at night you could hear what the other was doing.
Erik was one of those people who fell asleep right as his head hit the pillow and got up in the middle of the night for very little, so when he did get up you would check on him.
One night you heard him get up and go to the bathroom, so you got up to check on him. You heard a honking of a nose being blown from the other side of the door. You quietly swung the door open and looked at the side of Erik's head. You cleared your throat and Erik turned his head and looked at you.
He was pale and his nose was red. He had bags under his eyes and his forehead was glistening with sweat.
"Are you sick?" You questioned. Erik looked at you for a moment.
"No." His voice sounded scratchy and stuffed up. You heard the vent in the house turn on and felt a little breeze blow past your arms. When it reached Erik you saw him shiver and that was when you noticed that he was wearing his bathrobe and a blanket draped over his shoulders.
"You cold?" You leaned against the door frame and waited for a response.
"Yes." Erik eyed you for a few seconds then said. "Don't tell Charles."
You looked at the floor and clicked your tongue then looked back at Erik. "Why would I have to tell Charles if you aren't sick?" It was at this moment that Erik knew he had messed up.
The reason you would have to tell Charles if Erik was sick is because if one person in the school is sick, everyone else gets sick as well.
You bolted out of the bathroom and made a b-line to Charles' room. Erik was floating behind you with his feet dragging on the floor.
"Don't tell Charles!" Erik whisper shouted at you. He reached for the back of your shirt, but you picked up the pace.
"If I don't tell Charles everyone is gunna get sick except for me and then I have to take care of everyone!" You whisper shouted back at him. You reached one of the staircases and got on all fours and ran up, getting further away from him. You finally reached Charles' door and ran inside, slamming the door in Erik's face and waking up Charles.
"What, what?!" Charles asked half asleep and half panicked.
"Erik is sick!" You whisper yelled. You locked the door and jumped into Charles' bed and you both ducked under the covers. "He also followed me up here. Now shut up!"
The room went silent for about 20 seconds, but then you heard the click of the lock unlocking and the squeak of the doorknob turning. There were six footsteps, then the covers were ripped off of the both of you.
You sprang into action and picked up Charles and put him in his wheelchair. "Stay 6 feet away from Erik until his fever breaks." You warned.
"Erik, are you sick?" Charles asked while backing away from him. Erik looked to you then to Charles.
"Yes Charles, I'm sick." Erik confirmed with defeat.
"You know the protocol, stay in quarantine with Y/n." Charles instructed. Erik gave him a glare. You reached out your hand at Erik.
"Come on back to bed." You wiggled your fingers at him. He grabbed your hand and he reluctantly walked back to the bedroom with you.

~time skip to the next morning~

You walked into Erik's room with eggs, bacon, and toast fixed into a shape of a smile. You placed the happy breakfast on the bedside table next to a very miserable Erik. He was cocooned in pillows and blankets with tissues in a plastic bag hanging off the head board.
"How ya feelin'?" You asked. He looked at you and groaned. "I'll take that as a not very good." You plopped on the other side of the bed and picked up a book and started to read to him.
"You know you don't have to stay with me. You can leave me to die in peace." He looked at you out of the corner of his eye. You stopped reading and looked down at him.
"Well, I'm not leaving and you have to live in chaos." You earned a small smile from Erik. He looked over at his breakfast then emerged from his blankets to pick up the plate. He took a bite of bacon then looked back at you.
   "Why do you always make the breakfast look so happy? It's about to be eaten." Erik pondered. You thought about his question for a moment. No one had ever asked you that, so you didn't have an answer prepared.
   "I guess it's because I'm used to taking care of people who will be amused by it. Nothing amuses you." You poked Erik's shoulder. He took another bite of bacon and pondered.
"That's not true, I find you amusing. In a good way of course." He finished his bacon and moved onto his eggs. You watched him eat for a minute.
"What exactly makes me so amusing?" You said with a small edge to your voice. Calling someone amusing isn't considered a complement and if it came from Erik it probably wasn't.
"You try so hard to get people to look past my poor choices in life, and it never works. But you never give up on me when in reality you should. You argue with the students, you loose, then you give me the attention that I would've gotten from the students you argued with." He put his plate on the bedside table and looked you in the eye. "I find it amusing that you refuse to give up on me, but I'm also thankful beyond any words could describe."
You looked away from him and into your lap. You let out a sigh and planned out what you were going to say.
"I know what it feels like to be unwanted. My parents didn't want me even before they knew I was a mutant, so it's always been me by myself. After I turned 9 I realized that if I couldn't have anything then I would make sure to be as selfless as possible. So I grew up not having or wanting anything, but then I met you and I never wanted anything so badly in my entire life. At first it was me wanting to make sure you never felt lonely, but after we became friends I noticed that whenever I was alone you would come find me. It was a small thing like that, that made me...made me fall in love with you." You let out a nervous laugh and played with your fingers. "But I still have a habit of not asking for things, so I never asked for you."
Erik slipped his hand in between yours and held the one closest to him. You looked at your intertwined hands while avoiding Erik's gaze.
"Y/n, look at me please." You reluctantly looked up at him. "I hope you know I love you too." A smile formed on your face.
Erik leaned in to kiss you, but you tilted your head up and kissed his forehead.
"You still have a fever." You smirked at the shocked look on his face.
"You are unable to get sick!" Erik grumped. "I'm not waiting for my fever to break!" You let go of his hand and stood up.
"You're right, you have to wait until your not sick anymore." You smiled devilishly at Erik, who sank back into his cocoon of blankets.
"How did you function around me if this is how you react when I don't kiss you?" You picked up his empty plate and looked at him.
"Well, I don't have to keep up the act of not having a crush on you anymore." He pouted. "When will I get to kiss you?"
"This time next week." You patted Erik on the top of his head and walked out the door of his room. Erik deflated and calculated how many hours he would have to wait.

~that time next week~

You and Charles were making your way down one of the many hallways in the mansion, making meaningless conversation. When you both looked up from one another you saw Erik standing in the entryway. You and him made eye contact and he started to float.
"Charles, I leave all of my personal belongings to you." You said, not breaking eye contact with Erik. Charles looked at you with confusion.
"What?" As soon as Charles asked you that Erik came at you at about 85 mph. He scooped you up and locked his arms around your waist as you put you legs around his.
He kissed your cheek repeatedly, with the force of that one aunt at the family reunion.
"You *kiss* made me *kiss* wait *kiss kiss* a week *kiss* to kiss you *kiss kiss kiss*" Erik said in between kisses.
"Erik you're going to bruise me!" You stated as he kept placing smooches on your face. After three more kisses, you cupped Erik's face in your hands and gently pressed your lips to his.
If a person could melt, that's what Erik did at that moment.

A/n: This has more sap then a maple tree! Sorry, I swear I'm not this sappy in real life.😊
What did you think? I hoped you liked it.

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