10 - Dreams full of Terror

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[🚨🚧 : Slight Abuse]

As expected Aoba's sleep was filled with nightmares, flashbacks and scenarios that could've happened if he wasn't saved.

The blue haired man laid down on his stomach, attached; almost glued to the bed, his wrists were tied up at the head board, his legs were spread out and tied in a way that the ropes connected under the bed, so if he tried to move one extremity; the other would be tugged on and forced to move.

He was robed of his sight, a blind fold made him see into a void of black, his mouth was stuffed with a pair of socks, thankfully they were clean. At first the almost twenty-four year old was enjoying this, he was turned on and ready for his partner to come in and please him; but sadly that didn't happen. Every second sharp pain ran throughout his body, his back was being struck by a sjambok, a cane composed of a rhinoceros hide, or made of plastic. An old African cane used specifically for beating slaves into submission and drawing labour from them.

It hurt like hell, he bit down on the pair of socks in his mouth, grunting loudly from pain, his fists squeezed so tight that his knuckles were white, even his legs would jerk and twitch from the pain he was experiencing. "Useless mutt." "Piece of shit good for nothing low life" those words were whispered into his ear, words that he was all too familiar with; coming from a voice that would forever haunt him.

He could start to feel warm blood slowly trickling down both of his sides, he was no longer tied up; now he had spikes of wood impaling his hands and keeping them against the floor. His feet were no longer there, they were cut off and resting in front of his body.

His body might have been blindfolded, but since this was a dream he was able to see himself. Getting clawed at by figures made of static, digging into his back, tearing his skin away and placing the pieces in what would be their mouth. It was one of the most horrifying things to see, and the sounds were worse.

Static, the sound of someone sucking up spaghetti noodles was the best way to describe what the monsters feeding sounded like. It was absolutely disgusting, the chewing...the slurping..the static..it was driving him crazy. His body just laid there, doing nothing while it was being torn apart, bleeding, his bones being grabbed at; the monsters now turned their attention to the human's bones.

Yanking at his spine, as if they wanted to treat him like a fish and remove the only stable structure that allowed the human to move as he pleased. He was startled awake by hand being placed on his back, he didn't thrash around, but he lay in fear.

"Calm down." That voice wasn't what Aoba was used to, it was colder in tone, but the person behind the voice was much softer than Koujaku. The bluenet nodded and turned his head to the left, facing Noiz. He met golden eyes and smiled a little bit to reassure the frightened man, "I can't go back to sleep.." he then felt bad, "alright. We can play video games or something," the blonde sat up, stretching his arms above his head. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt that had cap sleeves, something that wasn't normal for t-shirts; it was a little puzzling to the five foot nine adult, but he didn't pay much attention to it, he just thought the blonde had a t-shirt that was too tight for him.

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora