11 - Getting comfortable

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After giving themselves around fifteen minutes to wake up the two legal adults got out of bed and traveled to the living room, sitting next to each other on the slightly uncomfortable couch. "What do you wanna do?" Noiz let his head lazily fall against his shoulder while looking at Aoba, watching him nervously play with the collar of his tank top.

"I don't know..." The shorter male looked up and met angry looking eyes, blinking and looking towards his neck to avoid feeling awkward with a seemingly pissed off gaze. "I have games, movies," the blonde pushed himself off the couch, wandering towards the tv, crouching down to open the cabinet in the TV stand, moving out if the way so the collection of movies could be seen.

"We could watch whatever you wanna, I'm not picky." His anxiety was rising at a rapid pace, making him very nervous, anticipating some sort of physical punishment; but was very relieved when all that came was the sound of Noiz popping open a DVD case, Aoba peeked up to try and see what the movie was, The Prestige. A movie that the shorter of the two have never seen. "What's that movie about?" To which he got an unintentionally angry glare, "about two magicians being angry with each other, trying to prove one is better than the other." Unlike when he crouched down, when the blonde stood his knees cracked, it was a very uncomfortable for the blue haired male to hear, sending him into a mini panic attack, but he soon calmed down, gripping his tank top tightly.

The pierced teen walked towards the kitchen, grabbing two plain mugs "coffee or tea?" He waited at the cabinet that held coffee grounds and tea bags, looking at both containers, just waiting for an answer. "Tea sounds good, thank you," the older male sat up a little, leaning forwards before leaning back against the couch, pushing some hair behind his ear whilst he listened to his new roommate shuffling around, the running water against the metal of the tea kettle was an interesting sound that he never really paid attention to.

But after living three months with almost no outside noise, he was starting to notice how weird everything sounded. The DVD player's belt rotating while it pushed the tray out and pulled it in, the sound the tv made when it turned on, even the sounds the remote made when you pushed the buttons.

After setting the kettle on the stove so it could hear up the teenager returned to the living room, sitting down on the couch; folding his legs under him. "You want a blanket?" He glanced towards his new roommate, his tone made it seem like he was very displeased with the situation he was in, but whether he liked it or not, he brought this upon himself.

"Huh? Uh, yeah, a blanket would be nice." Aoba smiled at his savior, hugging his knees, watching as said savior got up and went to the hall closet, grabbing a very fuzzy dark purple blanket. The tall man ventured back to the couch and held the blanket out in front of him, "you can have some of it too if you want Noiz," the newly freed man took the blanket very happily and unfolded it, wrapping himself up in it like a kid who sat up in bed, clinging for comfort while a storm threatened to scream and send bright lights into the ground as if they were missiles.

Whilst getting comfortable Aoba and Noiz watched the begining of The Prestige, two men being asked onto stage to tie a knot on the magician's assistant, the shorter of the two kissing her leg while tying a knot. The lady was then lifted into the air, a hook attached to the ropes around her wrist, bringing her closer til she was dropped into an open tank, it being closed and locked after she was submerged.

This opening was a little confusing to Aoba, after all, his new roommate said nothing about this, he looked to said roommate, who was chewing on his nails, unblinking as he watched the movie.

After a couple minutes of watching one of the two who were called on stage getting lectured by the magician for kissing his wife's leg on stage, the tea kettle started to scream, letting the two adults know that the water was ready. This made them both happy, though Aoba showed it and Noiz didn't.

The blonde paused the movie and stood up, walking a little faster into the kitchen than he normally would, splitting the contents of the kettle between the two mugs, then placed a tea bag in each one, delivering them both to the living room, setting his own ceramic cup on the table whilst handing the other to his new acquaintance, "careful, it's gonna be really hot."

Aoba smiled and nodded as he held his cup close, "thank you."

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Where stories live. Discover now