12 - Shopping List

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A couple weeks had passed by, Noiz and Aoba got a tiny bit closer; now they had been able to joke around a little bit. The younger of the two roommates would still keep his stoic expression, but he would say whether or not he found what had just been said funny or not, and he would even try to crack some jokes.

But due to his expression and tone he'd have to say whether it was a joke or not. Frankly this didn't bother either of them, they were getting to know each other and were starting to enjoy each other's company.

Aoba still thanked Noiz a lot, but didn't word it as a thank you, or being appreciative; instead he'd offer to do things for his roommate, cooking, laundry, cleaning up the house even if it wasn't that dirty. Simple things that he could do to show his appreciation but disguised as wanting to learn how to take care of himself before living in his own.

As for jobs Aoba searched, the few times he went out into public he needed time to recover from the three months he suffered and Noiz understood that, he didn't push it at all for he, himself wasn't one who enjoyed the outside too terribly much.

"Hey Noiz," Aoba peeked his head into the bathroom, hands on the doorway whilst his roommate who was leaning over the sink as he brushed his teeth glanced over to him, "wha?" The blonde removed the tooth scrubber from his mouth then spit the foamy mint paste into the sink, grabbing a cup from next to the faucet, filling it while awaiting a response.

"I was wondering if we could go out and get some snacks and maybe a couple movies, I could try and look for places that are hiring too," the blue haired male smiles, slowly stepping into the bathroom, leaning against the wall; amrs crossed over his chest. "Sure, what time do you wanna go?"

Wilhelm took some sips from the cup, swashing the water around in his mouth before spitting it out into the sink, clearing his throat as he wiped his mouth on his wrist. "Well," the 23 year old scratches his gently, shrugging a little bit, "would an hour or so be alright?" His hand then travelled from his chin to behind his ear, scratching gently.

"That's fine." The younger of the two nodded and turned around, leaning against the sink; crossing his arms over his chest, almost as if he were mimicking his roommate. The shorter male smiled a little, sure his new friend didn't emote much; but seeing him agree and stop to actually talk to him felt absolutely amazing.

"Cool, is there anything else that we need?" Aoba shifted his weight between his legs, sticking one out farther than the other. The blonde looked around the room, thinking to himself while scratching his collar bones gently, "I guess getting new sheets wouldn't be a bad idea, we could get you more clothes," "aw, but I like wearing your clothes." Seregaki chuckled at his own joke, and he could've sworn he saw the hint of a smirk or a grin appear on Wilhelm's face; if it weren't for the light reflecting on his lip piercings, it wouldn't be noticable at all.

"I like having my own clothes thank you very much," there it was, the blonde joked back which made Aoba laugh a little, leaning forward before standing up straight, letting his arms fall to his side. "Alright, get out it's time for me to brush my teeth," to which the blonde roommate nodded and stepped out of the way, then grabbed the doorknob, "you ok with me closing the door yet?"

Almost golden eyes locked with light green ones, shaking his head out of slight fear, "no, keep it open, please. You can step away, just don't close it.." "alright, I'll be on the couch," Noiz gave his roommate finger guns before sticking his hands into his shorts pockets; wandering off into his destination. Once there, he sat down and heard faint sounds of the bathroom sink running, followed by rough scrubbing sounds; spitting then repeat.

For the next hour the two did nothing but sit on the couch, making a small shopping list, fill of snacks, clothing suggestions, extra medical supplies just in case, and Aoba put down an emotional support stuffed animal while Noiz was in the bedroom getting ready.

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum