14 - New Emotions

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It was 9:30, and Aoba had been awake for half an hour, laying in bed as he held onto the stuffed animal he had named Ren, whispering to it whilst his roommate slept next to him, their backs almost touching.

He talking about what he went through so he could discuss his fears; mainly with himself. Telling someone was one thing, bit having a conversation with himself about what he was afraid of, what he wanted, what was hurting him was completely different. It was different because he had to accept all of his emotions, his fear, his anger, his self pity, his self hatred. Having teared up a couple of times whenever addressing what his heart wanted to say, but when he was done he felt better.

He knew that it wasn't going to solve all of his problems, but understanding and accepting what had happened got him one step closer to recovery. Next was to work on his fears and to him now, was the perfect time to try it. He got out of bed and walked to the door, grasping the cold metal doorknob before looking back to his sleeping roommate. He nodded to himself then closed the door and got back into bed, trying to keep his breathing as calm as he could.

And it worked for a moment, but eventually the silence became too much. It felt like he was back with Koujaku. Door closed and locked, nothing could be heard but his own terrified breathing. His breathing quickened along with his heart rate. Feeling like zip ties were wrapped around his lungs and restricting his breathing, Aoba quickly got up and opened the door, looking back to the bed as if the door opening and closing determined whether Noiz was still there or not. He let out a sigh of relief whenever he saw his friend, crawling back into bed, snuggling up close to his real and his plush friend he took home the day before.

Golden eyes found themselves closing once more as the body they belonged to started to get sleepy once more. The pair woke up a couple hours later around 12:26, but it had been a couple minutes since they opened their eyes; continuing to lay there, listening to each other's breathing as the time passed.

"Do we have anything we need to do today?" A very scratchy voice broke the silence, it alarmed the shorter male, looking up his roommate who cleared his throat, then spoke again. "Do we have anything we need to do today?" Young light green orbs gazed down at older golden ones that scooted closer, the two bodies sharing their heat. "No, I don't think so, why?"

"Because I don't feel like getting up," Noiz chuckled a little; that emotion was completely new and sent Aoba for a loop. He sat up hastily and looked down to the man he shared a bed with, staring at him as if he just murdered someone and asked for help hiding the massacred body, "when the hell did you learn to do that?"

The blonde did nothing but raise an eyebrow in astonishment, leaning his head to the side as he tucked both his hands behind his head, "I've always been able to? Why don't we just stay in bed today? We deserve a break." He suggested then simply closed his eyes once more, the bluenet thought about it for a moment, before nodding slightly and laying back down; holding Ren close to his chest.

"How'd you sleep?" Gold eyes tried to observe the other man in bed, but there was a small peak of blanket, so he brought his hand up and squished it down before laying his cheek where the obstacle just was; now he was able to watch the man he shared his home with. "Like normal, how about you?" Noiz took his time opening his eyes and rolling into his side so the two could make eye contact, almost mirroring him.

"I slept alright," the blue haired male took in a deep breath then yawned, using his hand to cover his mouth then placed it under his cheek once more. After that the two seemed to have been under a blanket of silence as they looked towards each other, harsh green eyes looking between soft gold ones that seemed to mimick their movement.

Soon eyes weren't the only things being looked at, a certain stoic teenager ran his eyes over the other's face that was a lot closer than he had thought it was; noses almost touching. Exchanging breaths before it felt like the two's breathing became one. This feeling inside the rabbit loving male was new, something that he couldn't explain.

He didn't know what to call it, it was like whenever he looked at Aoba he was the only person in the world. Like those eyes had been made to look at him, and only him. But whenever he thought about helping the male he rescued and getting him back onto his feet hurt him, it felt like his heart dropped and shattered at the bottom of his gut.

He was curious; absolutely astonished that he was feeling this way. After what felt like hours of staring at each other the blonde raised a hand up and gently placed it on the paler man in front of him, using his thumb to caress it gently.

Aoba could feel his heart beating in his throat, he swallowed nervously and leaned into the slightly cold hand on his face, his gaze lowering towards the jawline in front of him, trying to keep his calm. But trying to keep himself composed flew completely out the window whenever his roommate placed a chaste kiss to his forehead, then his nose. Oh god, oh god, oh god- those few words repeated in the head topped with a tuft of blue, squeezing his eyes shut before feeling warm lips on his own.

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt