22 - Alone

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[🚨🚧 : Self harm]

Rushing blood, flowing down his throat; clogging his lungs as it started to clot. The same crimson leaking from his tear ducts, once beautiful green eyes stained with the metallic scented liquid. Snot and vital fluid mixing as they dripped from his nose; absolute consuming him.

The sound of his heartbeat, those subtle thumps turned into hastened bangs; ringing in his ears. The pulsating in his throat, in his ears—in his head. It felt like his whole body was simultaneously vibrating and going numb.

Opening his eyes, gasping gently due to just feeling like he couldn't breathe at all, Noiz sat up and looked around the room. The sun was trying to peak through the closed blinds; thin rays laid across the empty feeling room. Looking to his coil on the nightstand he saw that it was 5:18, yet he didn't hear anyone moving around. The blonde blinked a couple times before peeling the blanket off of him, laying it down on the untouched side of the bed, "Aoba?"

Glancing towards the open closet he saw that things had been moved around; his clothes were now the only ones occupying the cramped space—drawers has been pulled out of the dresser, the items inside disheveled. "Aoba?" He repeated, voice hoarse from the lack of use. Begrudgingly he crawled out of bed and stepped around the room; looking for a sign that he wasn't alone, searching for some hint of another human being.

None. Zilch. Deserted.

The apartment felt so lonely, more than the previous months where neither male attempted to reach out to the other. Aoba.. Wilhelm thought sadly as he trudged out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen, glancing at the bathroom along the way. Aoba's gone. It didn't feel real to him, this was just a dream. Aoba's still here, he's just at work. He smiled faintly, once in the kitchen he looked at the empty sink; see, he's still here. 

Trying to convince himself that he wasn't abandoned while he grabbed a mug from the cupboard, putting it down on the counter while he had an internal debate on whether he wanted coffee and toast or tea and toast. Tea, barely smiling to himself he grabbed the kettle and filled it with warm water then set it on the stove, turning the knob to medium high.

Moving on auto pilot once again he prepared his bread for the toaster; stopping for what seemed like forever—frozen. All thoughts in his mind vanished as the feeling that he had a love-hate relationship with. The very familiar and welcomed tingling crept up his fingertips, it felt like that feeling was using his arm as it's stage as it danced from vein to vein.

Unconciously he started to itch the dancer, starting of gently whilst it remained a tingle; digging his nails in slightly once the friendly tingle turned into a dangerous burning. Redundantly, vigorously running his fingers up and down his forearm; observing what he was doing.

A sight he had seen numerous times before seemed to changed. His hand stopped and hovered over his very irritated and bleeding skin, the scab that was peeling up revealed hints of muscle. Next to that was something he had never seen before. It looked like a bug. A bug that was crawling around underneath his skin, he swallowed nervously whilst he felt his heart beating in his chest. He pulled his arm closer and tried to grab at the intruder but it scurried under the muscle. No no, get out, he continued to further irritate his injury, feeling the bug move freely under his skin as a miniature traveling bump helped locate his enemy.

Following the insect up his arm; being drawn out of his fit whenever the tea kettle went off—all signs of the bug were gone. It wasn't..real? Noiz looked his arm over, pushing down the trail his little friend had walked; no trace of it. He exhaled deeply and looked to the screaming kettle, picking it up and shakily pouring that water into his mug.

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ