6 - Surprising Calm Encounter

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The two told the man on the other side of the coil where they were, Noiz told Aoba that everything was going to be ok. He went back downstairs and sat down on the couch, seeing that Koujaku was passed out on the couch. It made him a little more calm than the uneasy feeling he had just felt when traveling down the steps, worried that he would be found out and treated the same as the man upstairs. All he had to do now was wait.

It took a good thirty minutes before the police arrived, then knocked on the door, clearly angry with what they were told "It's the police! Open up!" And Noiz did, he calmly opened the door, greeting the police with a calm and uninterested expression. "Koujaku is on the couch passed out drunk, and Aoba is upstairs, I calmed him down as best as I could."
The police nodded and walked in, seeing Koujaku "That him" to which the blonde nodded "I'll go get Aoba" he retraced his steps upstairs, some officers following him so they could see how badly the very light brown, almost golden eyes man was hurt.

Once at the top of the stairs the 19 year old brought his hand up and gently knocked on the door "Aoba, it's Noiz, and I have some officers with me, you wanna go ahead and get dressed?" Aoba, who had already untied his ankles and managed to wiggle some pants on, that were way too big on him due to his weight, opened the door, his hands still tied "...could you untie me..." He looked at the officers, his eyes still red and puffy from crying earlier.

The two officers that were with the teen nodded, one of them started to work on getting the ropes around Aoba's wrists undone while the other stepped behind the 23 year old, taking pictures of all the cuts, scars and bruises on his back, so they would all have it on file to help arrest Koujaku so he could pay for what he did to his lover, it was the same process that they did with all of the calls and reports they received.

The taller of the officers, who was a woman, gently moved Aoba's hair out of the way from some of the markings of abuse, but he whinced and stepped away from her "n-no...don't do that.." he looked back to officer, who sighed a little "I need it moved out of the way so I can take pictures" "then.." he brought his hands that were now untied back, lifting up his hair, the lady getting scars on the back of Aoba's neck, the rope burn on his wrists and how dirty his nails were from all of the blood he gathered under them while harming himself.

The two officers exchanged glances, once they gathered everything they needed, the two from downstairs hollered up "Alright! We're taking him to the car, let's wrap it up" the lady behind Aoba nodded and gripped the walkie on her chest "We'll need an ambulance at-" the blue haired 23, year old shook his head "no-no, that won't be necessary," he chuckled nervously, "it is necessary, you need to be checked up on," Noiz sighed a little "I could take him to the hospital later, but let the poor guy rest" he rolled his eyes a little.

The officers exchanged glances once again and finally gave in, not wanting to be there anymore "Fine, just make sure he gets to the hospital" the blonde nodded and looked at Aoba "get a shirt, then we can get going," the slightly shorter of the two smiled and nodded, heading towards Koujaku's closet, he didn't have many normal shirts, he did have some tank tops, so he grabbed a black one and threw it on, the fabric feeling extremely weird, seeing as he had been naked for the past couple months.

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin