13 - New Wardrobe

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Very few words were exchanged whilst they walked, they'd glance towards each other and try to make small talk; which went well. But other than that they stayed quiet, the same silence loomed over them as they entered the store. "What should we start with first?" The very monotone nineteen year old looked towards his older roommate who grabbed a shopping basket, shrugging a little bit.

"Why not work our way up from the back? It makes sense right?" The way Aoba thought about it was, is that they'd start in the back of the store and grab what they needed; that way they wouldn't have to waste too much time there, working from the front to the back, only to walk back to the registers once more.

"Sure, we can do that." The blonde pulled the shopping list from his pocket and unfolded it, going over it in his head; then peeked over to his new friend after reading writing that he didn't recognize. "An emotional support stuffed animal?" He inquired, his roommate just nodded coyly, his grip tightening on the basket handle, almost white knuckling it. "Yeah, ya know..so I can have something to talk to and stuff," soft gold eyes glanced up and met light green ones, ones that seemed to open up little by little each day the two spent together.

Wilhelm only nodded, "seems reasonable," he uttered, then looked ahead of then as they walked. While they shopped the two exchanged lots of words, planning out dinners and lunches that the two could make, setting up a chore system so the bluenette wouldn't have to do everything around the apartment they called home.

One thing that was brought up in conversation was alcohol, neither really drank that often; but they talked about it, if they wanted to buy some Aoba would have to get a new ID, and that was something he didn't want to go through at the moment. They returned the focus of the conversation back to what they went for, food and clothes, seeing as though the edible items had been marked off, they made their way towards apparel.

It seemed like it would be easy, but the challenge was the changing rooms, meaning closed doors. And the twenty-three year old still wasn't a huge fan of those, "Noiz, if I close the door promise to be there," the shorter male looked up to his friend, who returned his gaze and nodded. "I'll stand up against it and knock every couple seconds, kay?"

Hearing that made the bluenet happy, he nodded and smiled, then started to look around the circular racks, taking his time; trying to decide between what he needed, and what he really liked. Noiz kept close by so his roommate would feel safe, seeing the traumatized male look back to him every couple of minutes helped him realize how he felt, and he understood. He understood how absolutely terrified Aoba still was, he understood some of the things going on inside of that head of his.

He just sighed a little bit and brought a hand up to play with one of the braides tails on his hat, after a little bit Aoba came up to him with his arms filled with clothing, smiling "alright, I'm gonna try these on," Wilhelm nodded and followed his roommate to the dressing rooms, letting the lady at the counter know how many articles of clothing he had before entering one of the small cubicles.

Right after he stepped in he could feel the fear take him over; as if the shadows of his memories were going to grab him as soon as he opened the door and drag him back to that nightmare of a life he suffered through for three months. He backed out slowly and turned his attention towards his friend, who stood close by. "It's gonna be alright, I'll be right behind the door," the blonde brought his hand up and rested it on the bluenette's shoulder, causing him to nod whilst looking back at the small room of terror that he had to go into.

He breathed in deeply, then entered the room once more; closing and locking the door behind him, even though the panic had already settled in. He tried to shake it off, that feeling of dread, of being alone, of not being able to be heard; of being forgotten. He was about to speak, but then he heard a knock and felt himself calming down a little, hanging up the few shirts he had selected on the peg next to the body length mirror. Aoba watched himself as he undressed, feeling up and down his exposed skin; something he did a lot whenever he was in the bathroom and had just gotten undressed.

He wasn't admiring himself by any means, he was observing what had been done to him recently, all of the scars that lay dormant on his arms and the back of his shoulders; how his skeletal structure could easily be seen, it was weird. He didn't like it at all. Once more he was brought back to reality by another knock, this caused him to actually try on the articles he had grabbed, starting with a muted pink loose fitting long sleeved shirt, in the center was a fishbowl that held a good fish. It wasn't anything exciting; he just liked how cold and smooth the material felt upon first touch.

Now he was admiring himself, turning his body to try and see what he would look like at different angles, even slipping on a pair of white washed jeans he had grabbed. He smiled at himself, then unlocked the door and pushed on it gently, stepping out to show his roommate how he looked.

It felt like an hour that the two repeated that process, Aoba entering the small room, Noiz gluing his back to the door and knocking every now and again to remind his friend that he wasn't alone; stepping out of the way so the shorter male could show how he looked.

After that redundant encounter they moved towards the children's toy section, gazing at the small selection of stuffed animals. The two discussed which ones they had liked, Aoba preferring one shaped like a dark blue Japanese Spitz, and Noiz wouldn't let a certain green rabbit plush out of his sight.

"You like rabbits huh?" This caught the blonde's attention, he looked into almost golden eyes and shrugged a little, he didn't even realize he did until just now, "I guess I do." He set the rabbit down and stuck his hands into his pockets, "you gonna get the dog?" He leaned in a little closer to his roommate, making room for passing parents with their children.

The older male nodded and hugged the Spitz close to himself as they walked towards the checkout lanes, the roommates worked to scan everything; seeing how much it all totalled made the jobless twenty-three year old feel terrible, he decided that he really needed to get a job.

At the end of their very eventual day the two changed into Noiz's pajama options. Something that the older wasn't going to stop doing until he got his own pajamas, which he told himself he'd never do. Thinking back on his day, Aoba scored himself five new pairs of paints and seven t-shirts, a cute stuffed animal he could hold onto as he slept and lazed around the apartment, and a very good friend that would never leave his side.

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