8 - Shower Buddy

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Aoba smiled and bowed his head a little, continuing to look around the apartment, still amazed at how clean the apartment was, "You know..this place is really clean," he looked back to the blonde "I thought it would've been a little messy, cause..you know", he chuckled nervously, gently scratching the back of his neck.

"I get it" Noiz sighed a little, his monotone voice and stoic expression still unchanging "go and take your shower, I'll get your clothes" he pushed himself off the couch and walked towards the hallway that was behind the couch, reaching the end and turning left to enter the bedroom. Aoba, not liking being alone that much anymore, followed the nineteen year old, "Could I pick my clothes out? I wanna see what you have" he smiled, he already felt he was annoying Noiz, but he just wanted to make small conversation and try to get to know his savior a little more.

"Go ahead" the teen shrugged while stuffing his hands into his pockets, "the closets right there, there's a small closet in the hallway that has towels" Noiz walked out of the small bedroom and took a right, opening another door, one that was slimmer. It was a small little closet that had a couple shelves, containing towels and blankets, guess he would be needing one of those for a while. He went a head and grabbed Aoba a hair and a body towel, both were a lime green color and were a little fuzzy, but not too much so that they would feel incredibly uncomfortable when drying off.

Aoba rummaged through Noiz's closet and his dresser, he didn't want to seem rude, but he needed to pick out clothes for himself, grabbing a blank tank top that could be considered an actual shirt on him because of how much bigger it was, dark blue jeans that he would definitely need a belt for, and a pair of green and blue checkered boxers. "once again, thank you Noiz" he folded the clothes over his arm and stepped out of the bedroom to see the blonde in the bathroom, turning the shower on

"You don't need to keep thanking me," truth be told, the taller of the two was getting slightly annoyed with how many times the twenty-three, year old was thanking him. "But I do! You saved me Noiz" the blue haired man smiled, holding onto Noiz's, well his clothes now. "I did, but your constant thanks is getting on my nerves, so stop it" the green eyed teen glared back at Aoba without even trying to give him dirty looks.

"Ah-ah...I see.." very light brown almost golden eyes looked down at the ground. "..I'll just leave you alone then.." Noiz sighed once more, that being the only constant noise he had let out since meeting the twenty-three year old "just take a shower then we can have dinner" he put his hand under the water to feel how warm it was, "does this feel ok to you?" He looked back to an upset Aoba, who hesitantly lifted his head up and felt the water, nodding slowly "..yeah.."

The taller teen nodded and walked passed Aoba, turning the lights on before leaving the bathroom and shutting the door. The recently freed bluenet jumped when he heard the door closing, he opened it quickly "n-no!" His eyes widened in fear "don't leave me! Just...just uh..stand in front of the door, facing it!" He started to tear up while the blonde looked back at him with an unintentionally cold expression "just...don't leave me Noiz.."

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Where stories live. Discover now