16 - Hired

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Six months and three weeks. Six long months and three nervwracking weeks he waited. Aoba stared at his coil after each application he sent in to shops and restaurants that were hiring. Each one met with rejection much to his disappointment. After seeing rejection from each place he dragged his feet in sending out a new application.

That was until the call he had just ended, looking up to his roommate who sat next to him, the very roommate who welcomed him to his home, who has supported him for the past seven months; both smiling widely.

Well for Noiz his "wide smile" was a smirk whilst Aoba looked like a child who snuck into a candy factory and stole almost everything. He got the job. He got the job! What job? A part time salesman at the one and only junk shop. Its name? Mediocrity.

He threw his arms around his roommates neck in elation, he could feel tears welling up in his eyes that were shut tight. Wilhelm chuckled a little bit and hugged the happy individual, rubbing his back in small circles while resting his chin on his shoulder, "good job Aoba."

Boy where his tone and expression misaligned, speaking as if he was so bored that he decided it would be entertaining to watch paint dry; his face seeming like he just saw a very attractive stranger with a very nice rear.

The pair held that position as the older male took control of his emotions, pulling away from the embrace slightly to look towards his roommate, smiling still. "Thanks," he brought a hand up to wipe away almost fallen tears, laughing slightly at how embarrassed he was.

He thought that the way he reacted was the same as someone who just got engaged; holding on tight to his roommate on the verge of crying. Jeez, he thought to himself. At least I got a job finally. Aoba cupped Noiz's cheeks gently; placing a few gentle pecks to slightly chapped lips.

"Thank you, I mean it." He started to pepper the younger's face in chaste kisses, causing the receiver to close his eyes and let a slight chuckle escape his throat. "You did the leg work, I just helped you fill out a form," the two placed their foreheads together and closed their eyes, letting out soft, very pleased sighs.

The silence lasted for what seemed like a moment too long, but the pair were comfortable with the soundless void. But it had to be broken, it just had to. "You wanna celebrate?" Wilhelm pulled back from his close friend and smiled faintly, "you have your ID now, we still have some money left over."

"I.." Aoba started to think it over, he wanted to celebrate that he got a job he really did, but he'd have to go in the next day. And he didn't want to start off on a bad note, so he shook his head. "we can buy some alcohol, but," he put emphasis on the but, "we would only drink it on nights that lead into a day off. Understood?"

"You sound like a dad," the two chuckled and laid down on their couch, the taller resting the back of his head on the arm rest whilst his roommate laid his head on his chest; listening to his heart beat and soft breathing. "But I understand, so how about we go and get some later? Just lay here for a little longer. I'll made dinner in a bit." As the teen spoke the adult could feel his chest vibrating slightly. "What're you thinking about making?" Soft golden eyes looked up and met harsh green ones, "a call to the nearest pizza place."

Seragaki laughed a little and sat up, rubbing his eyes before looking back to the kitchen; wondering if he should make tea or just grab some water. He was pulled from his thoughts when he felt hands larger than his own resting on his hips, causing him to nervously stare at the man who those hands belonged to.

"Noiz, hands." He pointed out, as if the two had a strict "no touching Aoba's hips rule" the seemingly unaware teen below looked towards his appendages and removed them from the other, "sorry didn't mean to," to which the bluenet shook his head, smiling softly. "I forgive you, just be careful. You want some tea?" He leaned down and placed his lips against the exposed forehead of the blonde who nodded "tea sounds great, thanks Ba."

Instead of drinking like Noiz wanted to, the males celebrated by consuming multiple cups of tea, ate pizza and watched movies; nothing different from their usual lazy day. But this one felt special, mainly to Aoba. He was just hired for his first job and had orientation, along with his first day in less than ten hours. He was so excited that it was hard for him to sit still, at first he thought that it was excitement. Soon though he learned that feeling that was tugging at his heart was nervousness.

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Where stories live. Discover now