17 - Accomplishment

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Clammy hands. Aggressively shaking and sweaty hands held onto the counter of the bathroom sink whilst golden eyes looked into themselves through the mirror. Mouth slightly agape as ragged and forced breaths were pushed through them. Aoba took a moment, a few moments actually. Standing in the bathroom, staring himself down in the mirror to try and reassure himself that everything was going to be ok.

He was too distracted to notice that his roommate was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. Still in his tank top and sweat pants he had slept in, "you doing alright Ba?" He spoke up after watching the struggling male for what seemed like an hour. "Yeah, just a little nervous," the shorter male answered while chuckling as a measure of reassurance that failed to work.

"You'll be fine." Noiz walked towards the nervous wreck and wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him gently. This seemed to make all the worry in the twenty-three year old melt away almost instantly. And the nineteen year old knew this as soon as he felt slightly smaller arms wrap around his waist, squeezing him just as much; maybe even a little tighter.

"You'll remember to eat lunch right?" Wilhelm tilted his head so he could rest his cheek on the tuft of soft and wild head of blue hair, which nodded and seemed to burry itself in his chest, "yes, I will. And you'll wait for me to come back, won't you?" Saddened gold eyes peered up at green ones that seemed to carry a similar emotion until they closed and opened once more; revealing a more optimistic expression.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you." The two smiled at each other and held onto the embrace for a bit longer, letting it go so Aoba could finish getting ready. And by finish that meant start, he gathered his clean clothes; they were just resting on the shelf behind the toilet. "Good, and could you close the door? I.. I wanna try it again." Determination leaked off of the previously anxious adult, staring up almost aggressively at his friend.

In the three months the pair had been living together since Aoba voiced that he wished to work on his fear of closed doors the blonde would close the door and leave his roommate for as long as he could handle. At first he would do what he did whenever the older male was trying on clothes at the department store, knock every couple seconds; which gradually grew into minutes.

The longest time that the bluenet had spent in a closed room was twenty-seven minutes, which he was praised for and was rewarded with Noiz baking a batch of brownies. But that was two months ago, after those twenty-seven minutes he could only handle ten minutes at the most; which he apologized for every time.

Accepting his roommate's wishes, the nineteen year old nodded and pecked the other's lips softly before exiting the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Normally he would have left to go to the bedroom or the couch and wait; but he stayed by the door seeing how nervous his best friend was.

Once he heard the shower water running he assumed that his friend that he cared very deeply for was doing alright and would be for the duration of getting ready. Wanting this to count towards working on his fear, Noiz pulled out his coil and looked at the time start time: 5:16 am, he made a quick mental note then held his chin in his hand, keeping guard next to the door; leaning against the wall.

The next thirty minutes seemed to drag on, hearing the shuffling of the shower curtains seven minutes into the timing process let Wilhem know that Aoba was done and drying off. Eleven minutes in he could hear the sink turn on, the cap of the toothpaste being set down on the sink. The faint scrubbing of slightly harsh bristles against the paste that was being spread across and foaming in the calmed man's mouth.

Fourteen minutes in and he couldn't hear anything, this started to worry him slight; wondering if his roommate was starting to panic. Seeing that the door wasn't open, and that he was being called for reassured him thought, causing him to smile. You got this Ba, you're doing great. Noiz praised Aoba mentally, being very proud of his friend.

The shuffling from inside the bathroom continued twenty minutes in, the noises were very soft and quick so the guardian of the bathroom door assumed that it was the twenty-three year old getting ready. What came next made Noiz smile like an idiot; listening to the bluenet practicing how he'd great potential customers. "Hello, thank you for calling Mediocrity! How many I help you?" "Good morning, thanks for calling Mediocrity, what can I help you with?"

Green eyes looked down to his coil after Aoba left the bathroom, jumping a little after hearing his roommate speak, "thirty minutes Aoba." Hearing the time he spent in the bathroom made the bluenet smile; feeling as the rest of his nervousness was replaced with excitement. He leaned his forehead on the shoulder in front of him and closed his eyes, immediately wrapping his arms around the teen in front of him, he felt like he was going to cry.

"Thanks, for everything." Watery gold eyes looked towards very proud green ones.

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat