5 - The Savior has Come

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🚧🚨TW : (Minor)Self Harm🚨🚧

Inside the bedroom, Aoba layed on the ground, curled up in his ball like normal, rubbing his nose softly before scratching at his arm, seeing as he didn't have anything sharp, aside from his nails to satisfy his need for pain, he would use those daily to scratch at his skin.

No matter how many times he did it, now matter what places, Koujaku didn't notice, he didn't care. His boyfriend was there, hurting himself in front of the 26 year old, all the time, in front of his unseeing, and uncaring eyes, he didn't care, he didn't do anything to help the poor abused man, he just sat there and watched, pretending that he didn't see.

Aoba continued to scratch, tears welling up and falling from his eyes, sniffling softly as he started to cry, only looking up whenever he heard the bedroom door close softly, not even knowing that it was open. His eyes widened and started to tear up more, seeing another person was...it was the best thing ever to him. He struggled, but he pushed himself up to his knees and held his hands out towards Noiz, who was walking closer. His expression still not changing.

"Ha-have you come to save me?" Aoba's voice faltered, his vocal folds wanting to be louder, scream in excitement, while he wanted to whisper and stay quiet so Koujaku wouldn't have a chance of hearing him. "Are you Aoba?" Noize got down on one knee, holding Aoba's chin gently while moving his head around to get a good look at all of the cuts, bruises and scars that were on the blue haired man.

Aoba nodded quickly and continued to cry, now out of hope and happiness, glad to finally see another person who has come to save him. "Yes! Yes I am!" He smiled "Did someone finally file a report for me?" Noiz raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly, shaking it "No, I haven't heard anything about you, the man downstairs said your name when I asked if he had a pet"

"..you came home..with Koujaku.." the 23 year old's heart started to race "you should get back downstairs before he notices that you're gone. If he comes up here and finds that you're in here with me then he'll-" Aoba was cut off by Noiz putting a hand over his mouth "Just be quiet," his expression was still cold, seemingly unfazed by the situation "I'll call the cops, and come to get you later tonight," "but you could call them now!" The very light brown eyed man said, still trying to keep his voice down "Why don't you call them now! You have your coil with you, don't you!?" He gripped the blonde's shirt tightly, sobbing into his chest to silence himself.

Noiz sighed a little and gently rubbed Aoba's back, not wanting to run over any possible open wounds "fine...but then how can I get you out in time? Because he's still awake," The shorter of the two whimpered a little, looking up at Noiz like a child who got denied a new toy "please..."

After contemplating it, the 19 year old nodded and dialed 119, then waited for them to pick up. "Midorijima police department, how may I help you?" An old man's voice came from the coil "Yes, hello. I have a man here, beaten and tied up, he's still able to talk and move, he's just badly hurt" "my name is Aoba! Aoba Seragaki! Please, my boyfriend has been abusing and raping me! Please come and save me!"

"Hush hush, try to stay quiet" Noiz whispered to the victim that was crying once again "Alright, is the abuser there?" "Yes, he's downstairs" the blonde looked back to the door, figuring that he should've locked it. "Alright.." the man typed some things into his computer, no doubtedly the information he was receiving "Alright, and could you tell me your address please?

My Savior isn't a People Person [Noiz × Aoba]Where stories live. Discover now