18 - First Shift

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8:29 am, Aoba's eyes stared at the clock in the corner of the computer screen in front of him; watching the minutes tick by slowly as he waited for someone to call and order. In the two hours that he was there the bluenet helped around twenty customers, whether they were calling to order something or came in the doors to pick something up.

He had a couple of minor slip ups that the customers weren't aware of. Meaning that he would either grab the wrong product and start to take it to the customer, but after realizing it was the wrong thing; and order, he'd put it back where he got it and grab the right thing.

Either that or while setting pick up appointments, searching for items through the system, or putting in the customers contact information; he would type in a couple of the wrong things and start working on the next section. While reviewing everything before clicking the schedule button he'd catch his mistakes and fix them. He was very proud of himself for doing so well on his first day!

The only thing that sucked, was that whenever someone wasn't coming in or calling he had absolutely nothing to do other than to check stock, orders to different stores for certain parts if they needed to be shipped in, check if a customer had called a day prior to try and see if they wanted to cancel—or reschedule a pickup. He was lonely.

Until these three trouble makers walked in, basically screaming their heads of. "I'm telling you Mio! That movie really sucked," the shorter brother told his sister as they walked into the shop. When Aoba looked up he was slightly confused; seeing that one of the boys had a little black beanie with two small balls at the top as if they were eyes or ears, what looked like swimming goggles minus the nose cover. On his left cheek there was a very pretty green bandage that matched the sleeves of his black and green shirt under his white cropped one. His pants were the same green towards the middle thigh area whilst the outter was a darker green, he chuckled to himself thinking that this sibling looked like a frog.

The taller brother looked like he had a rat hoodie, which was absolute adorable. The hoodie was a very nice shade that sat between peach and a muted yellow. From the folds of the front of the hood all the way down to the curved ends was white; mimicking a stomach. Sleeves of said overgarment ended just a little below his shoulders, exposing his undershirts long darker yet pretty yellow and light brown striped sleeves that covered his hands. Much like his brother he wore shorts—though his were folded up just above his knees. He too had a bandage on his face, but this one was the regular beige and was placed across the bridge of his nose.

Last but not least was the girl, boy did she look like she had a lot of attitude in her small structre. Unlike her brothers she didn't look like she dressed modeled after a certain animal. She just had a white cropped shirt with gentle pink sleeves, one side gently hung off her shoulder to expose a brown and yellow striped training bra strap. Just below her shirt was a skirt that came about mid thigh, the same color as her sleeves. Just like her taller brother who had some hair exposed-it was a very soft brown—almost red. Short and decorated with two pink pompoms at the sides; much like her brothers she had a band-aid right on her forehead.

He listened to the siblings talk for a little bit, then looked towards the back of the shop behind his desk to see his boss, Mr. Haga came out; sighing gently. "Good morning kids, how may I help you today?"

Apparently those kids came in almost every day just to mess around in the shop and annoy Mr. Haga, Aoba found it sort of adorable. "Hey! Who're you?" The shorter brother asked, making him look towards them once again. "I'm Aoba, who are you guys?"

Haga went down the line, introducing the siblings. Kio Kuniyashi—frog boy—was the oldest sibling, Nao was the middle sibling and tallest brother whilst Mio was the princess of the trio.

Since Aoba was only a part timer he had fivd to six hour shifts, meaning he didn't get a lunch break; at least not one that he had to lunch out for. When he decided to take his "lunch" he sat at his desk with the brats; eating cup noodles at Haga bought for the three whenever they came to bug him.

After the three kids showed up the day seemed to go buy much faster; helping customers over the phone and receive the parts they ordered along with the kids who'd play around the shop and sit with Aoba so he wasn't bored until his shift was over. He enjoyed it a lot, he had a very good first day and started to think. If everyday went like this he would keep this job for as long as he could.

All good things must come to an end, and he found that out once 12:30 rolled around; having been there for his six hours he stood up and punched out before letting Haga know he was leaving, "good night Mr. Haga, see you tomorrow!" He called out as he left the shop—huge smile on his face.

Whenever he got home he saw his roommate laying down on the couch; head on the head rest whilst he held onto Ren. The made him smile even more, wishing he had a camera so he could take a picture of it. "I'm home," he shut the apartment door behind him and walked towards the couch, leaning over the back of it to give the blonde a kiss on his forehead.

Wilhelm looked to the bluenet and smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek. "Welcome home, how was it?" He leaned his head away so the two could have a conversation before anything else. "It was alright, these three brats came in and kept me busy whenever there weren't any customers. Now let me give you a kiss damnit!" Aoba leaned over a little farther—standing on his toes so he could reach his destination, grumbling playfully whenever the nineteen year old moved even farther. "Nope."

His tone sounded like he really wasn't having any of it, but the two grinned softly at each other and shared a couple small kisses before pulling away. "Did you have lunch?" "Yeah, the brats and I had cup noodles," Noiz sat up and patted his lap; causing the shorter male to walk around the end of the couch and sit down in his lap, leaning back against him.

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