19 - Heart To Heart

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The next two days went just like Aoba's first day at Mediocrity; he'd wake up around 5:00 and get ready, then arrive and start his shift at 6:30, sit behind a computer and wait for customers to walk in or call. Get onto the computer whenever he needed to, play with the three Kuniyashi kids and have lunch with them. They'd keep him company until he had to leave at 12:30.

The rest of the day he would spend with his roommate and his stuffed animal. Very enjoyable days indeed; since he was a part timer he only worked three days instead of four 6:30 to 12:30. He had the day off and decided that the pair should celebrate getting his first job, so they went to the liquor store.

They looked around for a little bit before picking up a few bottles of sake; not really too picky, then again they didn't plan on drinking all that much so the taste didn't matter. Whenever they got back to their apartment Noiz placed the two bottles they didn't plan on touching in the fridge for another time. As he did that Aoba grabbed mugs and set them on the counter-pouring the liquor into each one.

They each grabbed a cup and headed into the living room, plopping down onto the couch next to each other. "Hey, Noiz." Golden orbs looked up to the young male who had just slipped his arm behind a blue head of hair. "Hm?" The blonde took a sip then glanced to his close friend who looked very nervous and distressed.

"So, I've been thinking about the stuff we've been doing. All the kissing, you know?" Hearing those words leave the shorter male's throat made the younger male feel like his heart was just dropped from a twenty story building, plummeting to its doom. But he kept his face neutral out of habit and nodded. "You need it to stop?" He retracted his arm from his roommate and took another sip from his mug; eyes not leaving golden eyes that widened out of surprise.

"No no no no! I don't mean it as a bad thing! I've just been thinking that," Aoba nervously averted his gaze and scratched the back of his neck with his free hand; squeezing the handle of his mug. "I like it a lot, I really do-" he stopped himself before he panicked and vomited his words.

"I was just thinking that, that.." he tried to find his words but they seemed to have escaped him. The twenty-three year old scanned the living room, taking his time to think about what he was trying to discuss with Noiz. "I was wondering if you wanted to continue." "Ba, I'm a little confused," the bluenet sighed a little and set his mug down, shifting his sitting position so he was sitting facing his friend with his legs crossed.

"Noiz, how long have we lived together?" "Seven months? Almost eight?" "Exactly." "You're still not making any sense to me," the pair were getting a little annoyed; not angry, just annoyed. "Noiz." Aoba took in a deep breath and took the blonde's mug from him, setting it down on the table so they could focus on each other. "What I'm trying to get at, is that I want to know how you feel about me."

He stared up at his roommate. No, it wasn't a stare; he was a little angry—skeptical even—maybe it was a glare instead. His brows were tilted downwards gently, his normally happy demeanor was gone and replaced with this emotion the teen had never seen from him before. "I like you Aoba, you should know this," not understanding the meaning behind his own words the stoic male shrugged a little and extended his hand in front of him, cupping the soft cheek of his best friend.

"What do you feel about me?" the very stressed and annoyed adult pushed a huff out of his nose before he said something he regretted after repeating his question. "Well, I like the feeling when I look at you. And when I touch you, I really like it whenever we kiss. I like sleeping next to you, I miss you a lot whenever you're at work." Even though Noiz thought that voicing how he felt would be difficult; he found that when informing the man he felt that he couldn't live without was very easy.

"I wanna be with you Aoba, I don't want you to leave me." Once more his tone and his face didn't match at all. His voice was just as it always was; like he was bored out of his mind and wanted to leave the situation he was in. Meanwhile his face was very telling on how he felt, his brows were furrowed—his normal very unexpressive mouth has been turned into a heavy frown. Those eyes that once seemed very uninterested or aggressive eyes were now soft and hurt.

"What's this feeling? It's scary." Even though he was never alone Wilhelm felt it, heavier now than when he was a child. Unknowingly confessing his love for the man he had shared his life with for almost eight months seemed to scare him more than when he was locked up in his bedroom for several years after being too rough with the neighborhood kids.

Aoba mimicked the expression he saw, gently grabbing the bracelet covered wrist that was connected to the hand holding his cheek; nuzzling into said appendage. "I like you a lot too Noiz," their eyes met—afraid to look away. "I'm glad." The smaller adult whispered then smiled softly and kissed the wrist he held before pulling the taller teen closer.

Still not understanding his emotions Wilhem held onto his friend tightly, placing his forehead on the smaller shoulder in front of him, letting out ragged breaths as he started to tear up. He hadn't felt this way in a long time; he was scared, absolutely mortified.

The last time he cried was when his parents locked him away, something he got over and thought would be the worse thing to ever happen to him. He didn't think that getting close to another would hurt more than being treated like he didn't exist. He started to wish he had never went to that bar, that he never went home with Koujaku; that he never helped Aoba and gave him a place to stay.

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