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"Oh God, Kate, you're not gonna like this." Megan says as she rushes into my room.

"Go away, I'm trying to sleep." I mumble, throwing a pillow at her face.

"It's time to wake up anyway. Now come take look at this video." She gives me her phone as I rub my eyes.

"What the fuck is this." I ask, bolting up from the bed.

"I don't know. Some unknown number sent me this."

It was a video of my boyfriend making out with another girl. I quickly dial his phone number, hoping this was some kind of prank.

"Hey..." I hope this is a lie, I really do.

"Hey, cutie."

"Cut the bullshit Cole, have you really been cheating on me." I feel a tear run down my face.

"Ugh God, how troublesome. Well I figured you were gonna find out sooner or later so let's not drag it out and just break up before things get complicated." He sighs.

"What the fuck, you asshole. How could you do this to me after all the time we have spent together. I trusted you and gave you my whole heart." I yell as I hang up the phone not wanting my heart to hurt any more than it was. Tears start falling down my cheeks as I stuff my face in a pillow. Megan crawls over from the end of the bed and tries to comfort me with a hug.

"That fucking dick, I swear to god if he ever shows up in front of you again I will not hesitate to beat him up until you can't recognize him." She lifts my chin with her hand and wipes the tears from my face.

Cole and I met in college and dated for a year. He seemed serious about our relationship in the beginning so I started to trust him and told him a lot of personal things. After some time, he became distant and would only come over for sex. Megan, my best friend who I just moved in with, didn't like him from the start and she already suspected him of being a player.

We had all just graduated from college and here I thought we would spend an awesome summer all together.

My heart ached so bad, it felt like everything was a lie. I was probably just another one of his multiple girlfriends. Did I really mean nothing to him? I wanted to bury myself in a hole and never come out. All these thoughts started rushing through my head.

"I'm never dating anyone again. This hurts too much." I start sobbing.

"Aw come on, cheer up baby girl, he is not worth your time, he is a douche bag who doesn't realize what he just lost." Megan says as she brings over a fuzzy pink blanket from the living room, and wraps me up in it. "Just sit tight here and watch something until I come back." She pulls away from the hug and brings tissues over.

I nod, not paying much attention to her since I have too much on my mind. I'm still trying to process the situation but my eye lids feel heavy and I slowly closed them, drifting off into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the sound of two familiar voices talking. I look around my room and I see the used up tissues on my bed. Oh right, he dumped me. I get my phone to check the time but instead I notice my wallpaper. It's of him and I when he took me to Disneyland. My throat starts stinging again and I throw my phone across the room. I hate him so much.

I get up from my bed and I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My eyes are all swollen and my hair looks like a birds nest. Wow I look like shit.

"Heyyy, I'm back and I brought someone with me." Megan yells, walking in with large shopping bags.

"Oh my God, I missed you so much Selena!" I run towards her and I give her a big hug.

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