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"Hey Isabella!" I yawn as I walk downstairs for breakfast. "I thought I slept in your room last night, why did I wake up in Val's bed?"

"You actually fell asleep on my floor and your boyfriend didn't like that for some reason so he carried you to your guys's bed before leaving to the cemetery this morning."


"It's his parents death anniversary. He gets weird every year around this time." She shrugs her shoulders as she passes me the cereal. "Matteo and Aurora have a better time copping with the deaths mostly because they where too young to remember their mother on the contrary to Valentino."

"I had no idea." I say as I ponder the thought of going to see him. Yeah I should go, I'm his girlfriend and he should tell me when things bother him.

I ended up baking him chocolate chip cookies to cheer him up even though I am mad at him and he should apologize to me. I'm just too kind and forgiving sometimes.

Isabella gave me the location as I got dressed in a basic tank top and shorts. She warned me not to go but that made me want to go even more. Pushing me away is not an option for him and I'm gonna make sure he knows that. I decided that I'd also stop on my way there to pick up flowers for his parents since it's the right thing to do.

"Val!" I yell across the depressing cemetery as I run through the different graves trying not to trip on any of the them. I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath before putting down the flowers.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You can't just push me away and expect everything to be fine. You need to tell me why you're acting so weird."

"Kate just go." He says with a sorrowful look on his face. "I can't do this right now."

"Are you s-smoking?!" I watch as he puts out his cigarette on his tongue. "You asshole! You promised not to!" I crouch down with my head between my legs as I drop the cookie box to the floor.

"I told you to leave." He says firmly yet with a hint of guilt in his voice.

"I don't understand..." I quietly sob with my head down. "I feel like you never tell me anything. Do I not mean much to you? Would it not matter if I left and went home to America?"

The only sound I hear in reply are the crows flying above us and the sound of the rain lightly drizzling from the sky.

"Fine then." I decisively state as I wipe my teary eyes and I stand to turn away.

"Wait." He says as he grabs onto my wrist with his shivering hand as I try to walk away. He pulls on my wrist to make me face him. "You wouldn't understand, that's why I don't want to talk about how I feel about my parents death."

"Val!" I shout as I yank my hand away. "That doesn't matter! We should be going through the hardships of life together! You have to accept the fact that your parents aren't here anymore. I have never met them before but I'm sure they would want you to live life to the fullest and be happy."

"I-It hurts." He says completely broken and vulnerable as he grabs onto his shirt where his heart is.

"I know it does..." I gently put my hands on his defined jaw as we lock eyes. "I'll be there for you when you go through the hard times in life... You make me the happiest girl in the world when you're with me and I want to help you because, I love you."

His eyes simmer as he hears me say those words. "Amore..." He tightly lifts me into his arms as he lays his chin on my shoulder. "Let me hear that again."

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