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Megan saw everything that had happened so she started asking me questions when we were in the car ride back home.

"I don't think he's a dad or is married or is in a relationship. He was probably just nervous the first two times we kissed. And maybe he just wants to take things slow." I sigh relieved, from my own explanation.

"Well anyway... whats up with his sexy accent?"

"Oh my god, I know! It's so hot, he's Italian."

"You better not let some bitch take him. You guys are cute together."

"Yea. But we aren't really anything yet. I might like him? But I don't know. And he might not think of me like that."

"Well, we'll see." She winks.


Valentino: meet me down stairs. i'm at your place.

What? Why was Val here?

It was midnight and I was already ready for bed. My hair was up in a messy bun and I was wearing my favorite silk nightgown. Shit, this is embarrassing, I don't want him to see me like this.

Fuck it. I rushed to the door as I slipped on slippers. I put down the bowl of popcorn I was snacking on and tumbled down the downstairs. My heart dropped as I saw Val, looking down at me with those gorgeous eyes that used to scare me.

"I told you that you'd be sore for awhile." He says as he lifts me up from the ground. "Holy fuck you look so sexy mi amore." He covers his mouth with his hand as he slowly looks at me from head to toe. "Is that what you sleep in." A wide grin appears on his face.

"Shut up." I mumble looking down, trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing. "Why are you here?"

"Well... yesterday I noticed your phone was cracked really fucking bad." He hands me a white box with a red ribbon. "Here, It's a new one."

I open the box and I pull out the new phone.

"Oh my god, thank you!" I jump into his arms as he stumbles a bit from surprise.

"I'm glad you like it." He puts his hands on my butt for support as I wrap my bare legs around his waist. The stupid butterflies come to invade my stomach again as we gaze into each others eyes.

"Hold on... how did you know where I live." I raise my brows as he starts laughing.

"It's part of my job to do background checks on people." He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth. "I'm also here for another reason."

"Tell me!" I insist from anticipation as I put my hands on his neck to press my forehead against his. Seeing him up close was like seeing a completely different side of him. His sweet vulnerable side.

"Come to Italy with me."


"I have to go there in a couple days for work. It will only be for a month or so, but I thought you could come with me and call it a vacation."

"Wait what? Are you serious?!? Oh my god yes!" He bites his lip with a smile and leans in to kiss me. His lips are pressed against mine as I slip my tongue in to stroke his. He tasted sweet but ruff which I could never get enough of. His lust was contiguous.

"Umm, hello? I hope I'm not interrupting something."

We jump from shock and look at Megan who is leaning outside the door.

"Ugh god, just get married already. Like seriously, look at you two. Anyway our fav episode of gossip girl is on right now."

"Alright, I'll see you soon handsome." I whisper on his lips.

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