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We finally reach a big door and he opens it hoping it's the way out. A flickering street lamp lightens a dead silent street. It was creepy if you ask me. He walks out and we don't look back at the house.

"Where the fuck are we... do you have your phone on you by any chance amore?"

"No." I say disappointedly. "Looks like the kidnapping only lasted an hour or so. It's still dark outside."

"Yeah." He walks down the deserted street as I snuggle my face in his chest. "So, why are you wet? What did they do to you?" His jaw clenches and his arms tense up.

"Nothing, please don't worry." I softly say as I caress his bleeding jaw. "Aren't you cold? You don't have a shirt."

"You too... You're barely wearing anything." He says looking at my damp body and pulling down my small dress that had slipped up above my thighs.

He carries me for which feels like hours on the dark deserted street before we notice a truck parked in the middle of the road. His eyes widen and he runs towards it.

"Holy fuck the keys are still in. Stupid fucker." He chuckles as he puts me down.

"Val, we really shouldn't. It's not ours."

"It's fine, It's fine. We're just borrowing it." He says as he walks to the passengers seat to help me sit.

He starts up the car and looks over at me. "Ready?"

"I guess..."

"No you're not..." He grunts as he reaches over me to put on my seat belt. "You're very reckless, you know that?"

I roll my eyes and smile as we drive off.




Absolutely Nothing.

There was nothing and no one around us as we kept driving down the never ending street.

"This is weird..."

"Yeah." He says as he lights a cigarette.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, I found a lighter and a pack on the floor." He deeply inhales and blows the smoke out the window. "Fuck, I feel better."

I take it out of his fingers and I throw it out the window.

"Kate?" He says annoyed and looks at me confused.

"Don't smoke that shit. It's bad for your lungs." I cross my arms.

"So...?" He asks looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Keep your eyes on the road."

"You're funny." He laughs. "What the fuck! Am I blind or is there nothing around to crash into." He says, stressfully tapping his finger on the wheel.

"Just..." I take a deep breath. "Try to stop smoking. I know it's hard but do it. For me." I say as I do my puppy eyes to him.

"Fuck... Fine."

"Thanks handsome." I pull out a lollipop from the side of my underwear. "Sucking on candy helps when you have urges to smoke."

"Where did you-" He bursts out laughing at how random that was.

"I slipped it in when we were in the kitchen." I giggle, unwrapping it. "Open." I put it to his lips. He opens his mouth and takes it.

Sucking on the candy, looking ahead of him on the road as he drives with one hand tapping on the wheel and the other gripping my uncut thigh. I noticed whenever he needs to feel comforted he'd grab my thigh, I don't think he even realizes it. I obviously love it. He keeps making my heart flutter. I mean shit, we're both bloody messes and I still have butterflies.

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